“Long live young ideas and those who carry them!” Sunday evening, Emma Rafowicz, president of the Young Socialists (JS) just re-elected, tried to hang on to the branches. But the awkwardness of his “anti-old” remarks, earlier in the day, held at a gathering of young Nupes in Alfortville (Val-de-Marne), caused the left to react on Monday. At the risk of harming the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, shaken these days by the anti-Nupes current.
In a room lent by the socialist mayor of Alfortville, Luc Carvounas, full of young socialists, environmentalists and rebels – the communists having declined the invitation – the 27-year-old Parisian exclaimed on Sunday: “It’s not serious about letting the elephants responsible for our downfall decide our future. Stay in your dark halls, in your whispers, we don’t want to hear you anymore. You made us lose, let us win.” Harsh remarks, addressed to the elders of his party, in particular those who gathered around Bernard Cazeneuve in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), on June 10. “You have chosen Créteil, we are in Alfortville,” she told them enthusiastically to applause.
The idea of this meeting was to ensure that the young people of the Nupes could press for the creation of a common list of the Nupes for the Europeans of 2024. Except that so far, only the Insoumis are in favor of it. Emma Rafowicz seems to regret it. “Alforville’s appeal, she decreed in her speech, is addressed to all our old people whom we see in our meetings, irresponsible, who sometimes tell us: ‘we are too different’. We say to them: ‘Will you take on the shock, the despair, of a youth who went to vote in 2022 but who would not go in 2024! While Olivier Faure considers that the obstacles and the differences are too numerous for a common list, his conviction has it is made: “Nothing is impossible from the moment that everyone does their part…”
A youthful enthusiasm which does not simplify the situation of the first secretary of the PS. He is due to go to Lyon on Saturday, to a weekend organized by one of the currents hostile to Nupes, that of Hélène Geoffroy. Olivier Faure will rub shoulders with Bernard Cazeneuve but also former President François Hollande and many other “elephants”. There is no doubt that he will have to account for the words of the president of the JS, close to him. “You need people who are experienced and a bit grown up, rather than having young people who don’t have much respect. It’s a real problem in society and within the left”, was annoyed Monday morning on Public Senate, the former minister and mayor of Le Mans, Stéphane Le Foll
“It’s a shame to treat our old socialist comrades the way you do in your speech. If your political vision is to oppose the generations, then we have nothing to do in the same party”, denounced the socialist vice-president of the Occitanie region Kamel Chibli, close to the PS president of his region, Carole Delga. . “Your speech above ground, formatted and apparatchik is distressing.” “Thank you to all the socialists, “young”
Member of Parliament for Essonne, from the current of Olivier Faure, Jérôme Guedj stepped up to defend it: “To change lives, we obviously need all generations. The old people that Emma Rafowicz rightly points to are the defenders of an old policy, of all ages, who have not understood that the world is changing.