The officers of the Congress has been met with urgency this Monday, on the first day of open doors to the citizens of this year, and has approved its draft budget from the camera to the year 2019 which will 90.945.794,06 euros, a 4,55% more than in 2018 and envisages an increase of 2.5% for casual staff (positions of trust of politicians), and also for the deputies. The Congress and the Senate have the autonomy to push these accounts but for its entry into force, need to come forward to the draft general budget of the State that the Government of Pedro Sánchez has negotiated with Can and for which you do not yet have adequate support in the Courts.


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The budget ratified on Monday by the Bureau of the Congress, the organ of direction of the lower Chamber, registers for 2019 its biggest increase since the outbreak of the economic crisis that has meant cuts in all areas, also on the institutional one. The planned hikes will be in the 4,55% due to higher staff costs. The project referred to in this chapter also an increase in 2.5% of the salaries of the deputies and of the employees hired by the parties in the Congress, a figure of around 280 people.

The Congress has worked in 2018 with a public accounts ratified in September 2017, but that could not be applied until July 2018 by the delay in the entry into force of the last budgets of the Cabinet of Mariano Rajoy. Those accounts totaled $ 86,8 million euros, and already accounted for a rise of 1,71% in comparison to the previous year, in which they have remained frozen. In this project, there was a rise of Canlı Bahis 1.5% for the workers of Congress and parliamentarians. This increase was the highest experienced in the Courts in these years after the crisis.

After the approval on Monday of the Congressional budget tomorrow will meet in a joint way the Tables of both houses to ratify the accounts officers of the Courts and institutional bodies that depend on them as the Central Electoral Board or the Ombudsman.

The Government had been hard pressed in recent days to the cameras, from the Ministry of Finance, to settle their budgets in order to have the calendar ready and prepared for a possibility of bring your proposal of General State Budget to Council of Ministers before the end of the year. With this decision, the Government could discuss the budgets at a Council of Ministers in the coming weeks, the 14 or 18 December, and enter already in 2019 with that transaction is sorted out and in a position to reach the parliamentary debate, in theory, before march. These plans were referred to before the results of the elections in andalusia this past weekend. Now may vary.

In the approved budget chapter 1 personnel expense will be 40.933.492,18 euros, which represents an increase of 4.42%. Mainly due to the foreseeable increase of 2.5% of the salaries of staff, approved in the scope of the General Administration of the State. The project envisages there an increase because it has to budget items of salaries to its 350 deputies, as in this legislature, no member of the Government form part of the Camera. And by the creation of the future Office of Science and Technology. As has been happening since 2012, maintaining the suspension of contributions to pension plans or insurance contracts, collective.

The chapter of current expenditure and services will 34.794.835,86 euros, 5,62% more than in the current, and where they include concepts as an input for studies and technical work, in particular with more inputs (18,19% increase) for the increase cybersecurity of the Camera. In the section on diets records a reduction of a 18,45% due to the replacement of the system of payment of expenses on official travel agreed to this legislature by the Bureau of the Chamber.