the passenger port of Tallinn in close proximity to the contemporary art museum, where many tourists may not realize the go. The museum is located namely the rough shell from the inside and is far from, say, Kumu architecture.

kultuurikatel, namely the culture of the boiler near the location of the EKKM:this is the thirteen years of its existence formed an essential part of the new and experimental Estonian art as rapporteur. In addition, it has launched Köler prize, which is popularized by Estonian contemporary art.

Among the Estonian ministry of culture supported the EKKM:n, i.e. Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseumin activity is non-commercial and not, for example, exhibitions have not been access for a fee. EKKM has organized also cultural events and its premises used to run the cafe and bookstore. EKKM:no building has previously served, inter alia, thermal power plant, coal storage and office facilities.

EKKM:n building from the outside. The building is located in the culture of the boiler next to it. Jussi Mankkinen / Yle

Now the museum’s operation has become complicated. Culture boiler snorting Tallinn Creative Hub and through it, the city of Tallinn owned by EKKM:no more than one hundred years old building and recently, there was ordered a fitness examination. EMMK’s managing director of Marten Esko according to fitness check out, that building also found in the dangerous parts, though mostly it is in good condition

the condition inspection on the basis of the Tallinn Creative Hub cut off the EKKM’s lease. Behind the decision to bulldoze the museum’s view of Tallinn city, which pulls in and defines the Tallinn Creative hub’s activities.

EKKM’s ceo Marten Esko. EKKM’s facilities are located in the maze of a building in several floors. Jussi Mankkinen / Yle

Marten Esko criticized the condition of the inspection superficial and tendentious your.

– for Example, the exhibition spaces not found any comments. A leaking roof told me that the building is not in mint condition, but it does not make the premises dangerous. In our opinion found to be dangerous parts of the building should be easy to fix – even we could do it.

–Tallinn city view, the building is as a whole dangerous and unusable, and it should be dismantled. In relation to the condition of inspection points that have been raised in this is pretty far-fetched solution, Jon says.

the owner of the Building, Tallinn Creative Hub of activity attractive Cloth the Gutter is again strongly believe that the condition of inspection points to emerge are a serious security risk.

– we Use according to the expert, the building is unfortunately in poor condition and life-threatening, so we had to break the lease. We are of course sorry that, for example, the exhibition was suspended because of this, but the primary duty is to ensure everyone’s safety.

Serbian Ivana Bašićin A thousand years ago 10 seconds of breath were 40 grams of dust-works, where a mechanical device to crush gradually alabaster pieces. Jussi Mankkinen / Yle Originally Estonian, London moved designer Johanna Maria Parvin Safe Ride-clothing line. Jussi Mankkinen / Yle Estonian Anu juurak’s kinetic installation that goes by the name What the feeling is to mourn so How Does It Feel To Die. The work in robot hands moving above the bed. Jussi Mankkinen / Yle Will there be space for commercial activities?

in Protest EKKM closing weekend two weeks ahead of schedule, A-tishoo, A-tishoo, We All Fall Down -his exhibition, which included artists, inter alia, Serbia, Lithuania and Finland. The situation is now a museum of the functioning of the uncertainty.

Marten Esko, according to certain information is also not about what is, possibly, the building farm might be.

We have answered that the city has no interests in the land in terms of what very much I doubt.

Jyrki Lyytikkä / Yle

Good located plot of land is the zoning in the defined specifically for non-commercial, society beneficial activities.

It’s just like us, our culture-related activities. If the city wants to demolish the building and sell the property, keep the area uses to define completely rebuilt, Marten Esko said.

the Audience EKKM’s cafe. The museum premises also operates a bookstore. Jussi Mankkinen / Yle

Esko according to the city of Tallinn is not to be very interested in EKKM’s activities.

over the Past thirteen years, the city has supported the pair, three of our project with a small amount. The city has helped our operations mainly renting the building.

Marten Esko view, EKKM represents the tallinn less than important to the life of the city culture, which should be as effortlessly reachable.

Lithuanian artist duo Pakui Hardware, The Return of The Sweetness -works. Jussi Mankkinen / Yle

– should Not in any way a good thing, if we had to change somewhere on the periphery. We use other suitable buildings in the centre of Tallinn and in its vicinity is not, because the city is undergoing a new construction boom.

And anyway: the building leaving us, it all vihonviimeisin option.

the Estonian cultural circles EKKM:no open destiny has caused movement and barricades have risen. Facebook in to rotate the frame, which read Korda, mitte shut so Fix it, don’t make caught.

Lähiakoina also published on the museum’s activities support the open letter, which has signatories not only to Estonia in the art sector, also the rest of the world.

EKKM:the latest, now, therefore, shipyard pistetyssä A-tishoo, A-tishoo, We All Fall Down -the show was featured among John stone’s works.

video wall EKKM, dc. Jussi Mankkinen / Yle status of yle’s newsletters!

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