It’s a very exclusive club and very strange. Just what are the four presidents live in this democratic era of Spain, but it is almost impossible they can paint together or just near each other. Does not wear well. This Thursday, after the speeches, the institutional and the central act of the 40th birthday of the Constitution, all the authorities gathered in the hall of Lost Steps of Congress: each former president in a different corner with some of his own. The king emeritus Juan Carlos I, in the center of the room, sitting on a stool, as watching them. All expressed their respects, but no one even gathered around to immortalize that moment for the story.


The King: “The Constitution is a permanent mandate of concord between the Spanish” photo gallery in The acts of the 40th anniversary of the Constitution

José María Aznar, quite solitary and slim, boasted to the more relatives you have placed, who was deputy director of his cabinet, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, the work team of the new leader of the PP, Paul Married. “Well, actually, all the that are there are aznaristas”, needed.

Without going nothing to his predecessor, Mariano Rajoy reappeared in public. Endured with patience, humor and good cheer the longest tail of supporters who were looking for a particular greeting, which gave all of us, but did not fall in the lure to talk about politics, avoiding all the questions about the present. Yes he told with delight that he feels very well, who had 37 years in politics, 22 of them in the Government or as the leader of the opposition, that is to say with the maximum pressure, and that now he enjoys his family and running all day, almost without light, for the House of Field. The return to work has not indigestado because it is grateful to have 23 other fellow property registrars, in the office in which it has been built in Madrid, which make it very easy. To the only thing that resists is the council of its exasesores to cut the curls of a hair rebel. In these times has discovered that Cuenca is the only province of Spain, without a paper newspaper and that will counteract.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero had to endure to get to the Congress part of the public gathered at the gates he threw insults of “thief” and “liar”. The attacks that received it later Vegabet the current head of Government, the socialist Pedro Sanchez. Zapatero says that he does not care, that the staff who attend this type of event is of a singular political ideology and that he, now, just follow those avatars, and if you do it from far away.

Many eyes will be stopped in the strange behaviors of Felipe González, and especially within the chamber during the speeches. There was a very emotional moment, when the speaker of the house, Ana Pastor, pointed to the victims of terrorism, and quoted the former president of the Constitutional Court, Francisco Tomás y Valiente. Asonó a big round of applause, with the only exception of Gonzalez. The former president was so deeply affected by the mention of his friend who was not able to respond. He preferred to stay still. The King emeritus gave even a hint in the leg with his cane. And then another hint and applause to don Juan Carlos he was caught in an exchange of banter with Juan Carlos I. González did not wanted to stay to the corridors and to the exit clarified misunderstandings: “Don Juan Carlos was constitutional before they are passed into the Constitution.”

The institutional discourse of Ana Pastor was long (20 minutes), full of citations to the kings, the fathers of the Constitution and the former Government and political leaders historic of all the parties. There was a passage in which he praised “the fusion” versus touting “the purity of the race”. Garnered applause. The president has focused on the organization of numerous acts of homage to the Fundamental Law. This Thursday was particularly excited “by the congratulations of the members of parties who were not precisely of the PP”, your training. Adolfo Suárez Illana, son of the former president Suarez, lacked even put some more of the pageantry in the presentation of the presidents and the editors of living the Constitution. And rejected a greeting “as a friend” of the King emeritus by the other more formal. Don Juan Carlos admonished him: “don’t let them ever forget the legacy of your father.”