Mail collective dispute has met the coverage on sky for weeks and the actual industrial action has lasted for weeks.

This week, industrial action is often associated with support strikes which reported the trade unions. At the same time to the dispute requested amicable settlement of the kingdom of the mediator of the chair.

Wide stop tourism to advance the litigation of all areas of the collective wage bargaining round has begun on an infected atmosphere.

1. The post types of striking, because of the fear of wage poverty

Postal workers representative trade union Post and logistics union (PAU) has complained for a long time, that Post makes a consistent effort to lower wages finished a small paid staff.

the basic post types make a couple grand a month, and employees look to the Post the applicant of several tens of percent of discount to this level.

as Part of this project, the Mail has been previously transferred employees in 2017 based on its subsidiary, the Postal Service Oy, payroll, and through it significantly cheaper, the media alliance and industrial alliance between the collective of the circle.

the Post reported last August, at the end of the transfer this agreement to 700 Mail the package to be a picker. PAU did not accept the transfer, and the dispute will now start to be strikes starting gun.

Part of the Postal workers started a strike on Monday 11. November.Petteri Sopanen / Yle

on Strike, however, a much bigger crowd, more than ten thousand post types with the collective agreement of the employers ‘ federation of service employers (Palta) and Pau negotiation between now rewritten.

the mail to the representative of the Shirt set your first goal, the new agreement must remind the mentioned media alliance and industrial union, between the employer affordable agreement. PAU launched in response to the strike on Monday of last week.

palta, ceo of Tuomas Aarto line, however, the end of last week that a solution can be after all to get the post type of the current salary basis. This has sparked optimism from the employees side.

2. The employer will be strict, because of the digitalization changed the market

the Employer of the Postal and it in the negotiations, representing the Palta are reminded that the search for conditions impairments in evil. The employer argues that the cost is simply to lower.

the state of the company Post operates in a competitive market, which are deep in the throes of change. Addressed a paper to the volume of mail collapse, when society digitalization progresses. The post is also the statutory service functions (switch to another service).

the Employer representative Palta ceo Tuomas Aarto.Yle

Parcel and logistics business is more lucrative and the size of the company made in the previous quarter, to win. The competitive situation changes, however, forced to respond and flexible staff is a key competitive asset, the Mail watch.

the Post, according to its competitors have long been able to do the job considerably the Mail cheaper and more flexible collective agreements and therefore the company’s future is at stake.

3. Other federal support, because of postal issues is seen as a common

Troops trade unions has announced its support for the post types of industrial action in sympathy strikes. The most significant part of the starts this and next week.

the federation of interstate truckers consider themselves obliged to assist to pau airport, given a situation where the workers trying to weaken. All unions also have their own collective bargaining either underway or soon to be in front, so they have a need for a message to the uncompromising attitude of the size of the employer camp.

sister unions fighting spirit are incited also Pau accusations that Post to break the strike of temporary agency work factors.

the big one away is the railway freight on Tuesday night to stop a Railway union blockade. Goods traffic is at a standstill days. Public sector JHL:no support for the strike will hinder rail freight transport already on Tuesday morning, starting and stopping freight trains service on Wednesday.

Car and transport union AKT and the Finnish Aviation union IAU’s expanding support for the strike, in turn, threatens to stop air traffic and slow down the capital’s public transport days early next week.

support the strike threats, inter alia, tracks the transport of goods.The Yle MOT

transport unions, other collective action to slow down extensively in the post this week.

the service sector of the left alliance PAM announced Monday that they will join the front jumittamalla of postal mail.

Many of the sympathy strike to participate in the federation have warned the expansion and extension of its industrial interests, if the Defender and Pau collective dispute does not arise agreement.

4. Letters and magazines are stuck, the package arrive late

Strike the main effects for all Finnish related, of course, mail shipping. Letters, magazines, or ads, do not practice driver during the strike.

instead, early delivery of newspapers to function normally. Package shipments are promised to pass a moderately smoothly, but some days the delays might be.

the Strike has virtually stopped mail delivery across the country.All Over Press/Ismo Pekkarinen

support stop a variety of effects on specified days at a time. Post information to stop the effects on their own websites (you move to another service).

on Strike will continue at least until December 8. until the date, if the agreement does not arise. Prolonged, it would also affect companies and citizens to the important christmas postal distribution, which increases the negotiating table pressure even further.

5. The strike reflected the size of the pay round shipping

Postal strike for inflamed collective fight is the prelude to all sectors for the collective bargaining round, whose negotiations began in early fall and extend well into next spring.

While this individual company collective dispute has received a huge amount of attention, at least as significant negotiations take place all the time in export industries. The post types of collective conflict might also have an impact on the other table of the spirit.

the industry association and the technology industry association’s agreement is awaited round the head of the open and solid points all sectors in the agreements. This negotiation is already in extra, and industrial progress.

the industry association has been going overtime ban to 24. November, but has not issued a strike warning.

Mail collective dispute the view of the pui is electrified other trade unions in the standby position. They considered that the employer side is going to be coordinate an infant requirements all of the salary negotiation table.

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