moscow prime minister of Antti Rinne (sd.) makes the first working visit of his to Moscow, where he will meet his counterpart Dmitry Medvedev . We anticipate the prime minister in his today’s speech topics, and assess medvedev’s position and the slope of the attitude towards Russia.

the Slope should speak preferably in the environmental and climate

the Prime minister of the Slope I hope Russia activity in the fight against climate change.

the Slope, special assistant to Lauri Voionmaan according to Moscow presented to the Finnish government’s climate targets and concrete measures for their order to reach. The Finnish government wants to promote russia’s commitment to the Paris climate treaty obligations.

Russia ratified finally in September prime minister medvedev’s signature of the Paris climate agreement. Russia had joined the agreement as early as 2015, but the final confirmation of the delay was.

the Slope is going to speak in Moscow also projects global warming to accelerate black carbon, i.e. soot reduction and cooperation in the waste management field. Both topics are familiar from previous prime minister – and president-level appointments.

in Addition, the Slope wants to discuss medvedev with the protection of the Baltic sea. Finland is planning the prime minister-level international summit on the Baltic sea to improve the environment.

Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev is expected to discuss the Antti Rinne with, inter alia, inter-country cooperation in trade and energy sector.Ekaterina Shtukina / EPA

the Slope in the company of the Moscow travel minister for transport and communications Sanna Marin (sd.) as well as the minister for agriculture and forestry Jari Leppä (kesk.) They will meet there Russian counterparts, with whom the conversation rose border cooperation between authorities and forest issues.

the Government aims to keep the discussion concrete, two between subjects. The discussion can, however, also the EU as a whole between the eu and Russia on foreign policy topics, such as the sanctions policy or of the Baltic sea region military tension.

Prime minister medvedev’s press release (go to the second service) meeting as the theme is not reported environmental issues, but cooperation in trade, energy and industry sectors.

Medvedev has retained his place as prime minister

the Prime minister of the Slope meet Dmitry Medvedev, the status of which has not been held in Russia particularly strong.

medvedev’s dismissal has been speculation ever since he moved to the president office of the prime minister’s task in the spring of 2012. Then Vladimir Putin rose again the Russian leadership.

Many believed that Medvedev is sacrificed on the first of the Russian economy stalled in, but doubts have been proven wrong: Medvedevistä has become modern russia’s long-term prime minister.

His position is not shaken by the opposition leader, Alexei Navalny corruption revelations, and not the United Russia -the ruling party’s image difficulties – not even Medvedev also works with the president to support the party leader.

Medvedev has formally remained russia’s second most significant politician, but his real influence is considered clearly lower.

Medvedev seen to offer a reliable co-pilot, a Putin confidant who deal professionally with her assigned tasks, but not just participate in the decision-making process.

Prime minister Dmitry Medvedev has formally russia’s second most significant maker. Ahead of him is president Vladimir Putin. Archive photo February 2017.Maxim Shipenkov / EPA

Medvedev has lost his presidency after the international publicity. In the Russian media, he appeared on a daily basis – and often also in an international context.

Last day of medvedev’s tell, for example, the negotiations of the president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko with countries ‘ economic cooperation, and met with Swiss federal president Ueli Maurerin.

the Slope has wanted closer ties with Russia

Slope meeting with his Russian counterpart today for the first time.

the Prime minister have, however, talked about the past with each other. Medvedev called the Slope in June, and congratulations on this recent post. Then, Medvedev also presented the Slope of the invitation arrived on a visit to Moscow.

the Slope is known for the positive comments regarding Russia. When applying in 2014 the SDP leadership of the Slope told the newspaper Kaleva that (you move to another service) endorsement of a visa-free regime, as well as Russian language and culture teaching to increase.

In 2016, the Slope should Helsingin sanomat (you move to another service) foreign policy institute, published a strongly worded Russian-report (move to another service) ”of intimidation, which cannot be justified”. In the report, for example, draws attention to the risks in energy cooperation with Russia.

Speaking about the August ambassador of the day (switch to another service) the Slope says Finland’s relations be with Russia at the moment ”as good as those in the current environment can be”. He was referring to the then European tensions the security situation, in which russia’s actions in Ukraine have done.

according to the Government of Finland and Russia, normalization of relations depends on russia’s actions in Ukraine to resolve the conflict. Things may progress on December 9. day, when the Russian, Ukrainian, German and French leaders are due to meet in Paris to discuss the Minsk agreement.

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the Prime minister Antti Rinne will visit next week in Moscow

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