The reading is oppressive. At 442 pages, the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) said in his advice to “actual evidence of efforts against the free democratic basic order in the Alternative for Germany’ (AfD) and its sub-organizations,” the extent to which the party drifts to the right.

The burning of paper is considered “classified” and “for official use Only” classified. This is the lowest level of secrecy. In the report only public Manifestations of AfD are called politicians. The BfV carries to each quotation a rating. Were evaluated, among other things, more than 180 Talk of 50 AfD-people. The paper is soon to be the subject of a dispute, the AfD wants to complain. On the Basis of the opinion, the BfV has declared the whole party to the “test case”. The AfD-associations “Young Alternative (JA)” and “The wings” have even been classified as a “suspected case”.

What is the role of the AfD leader Alexander Gauland?

In the opinion Gauland appears so often that the impression of imposing, he was one of the driving forces of the radicalization of the AfD. And in terms of content, next to the Thuringian party leader Björn Höcke, in the Public as the hardest Agitator. In the Chapter on “statements of senior officials” against the free democratic basic order Talk of Gauland and Höcke stand next to each other.

“We are in a battle against forces of your global stylistic program of Nations resolution, the ethnic-cultural unification and the tradition of the destruction of the humanity and goodness are selling yourself. We should be in the service of humanity’s progress displace. We should resolve as a people and Nation in a Whole. But we have no interest in humanity. We want to remain German,“ said Gauland on 9. June 2018 in his speech at the Congress of the Bavarian AfD. A page further on in the report Höcke.

The leaders of the “wings”-troop will be quoted with a Statement of the “immigration policy”. Not successful to set the course differently, “then we in Germany and Europe as a cultural and civilisation break of historic proportions, Yes dear friends, we are experiencing a cultural meltdown, this is what we want and we need to prevent together. (…) This ethic of Responsibility based insight does not exist, unfortunately, in the case of the old parties, the old parties, the cartel, where you want the Germans to disappear, you and your culture“. So Höcke commented on 9. September 2017 at a campaign speech in Berlin.

The assessment by the BfV: “In the above-mentioned statements are to be found the first actual evidence that a few of them, mostly identical, but nevertheless prominent protagonists of the party to propagate an ethno-biological and ethno-culturally reasoned people’s understanding, it is against the human dignity guarantee of article 1, Para. 1 of the basic law is a violation” – i.e. against the first Central statement of the basic law: “human Dignity is inviolable. To respect and protect it is the duty of all state authority.“

Who is in the whole party?

Only rarely, but with Islamophobia Alice is mentioned ryegrass. With Gauland the parliamentary party of the AfD. “Islam means to stone age. But anyone who lives in the modern world, and compromise with, the stone age closes, the lands in the middle ages. With Islam there can be no compromise,” said ryegrass in April, 2017, in an Interview with the right blade “Young freedom”.

Beatrix von Storch, Vice President of the group, is quoted with the statement, “in the mosques against our legal order is rushed, against Jews and Christians.” That is why the mosques should be monitored “” by the protection of the Constitution. Von Storch their slogans was given in August of 2017, in the case of Facebook. Ralf Özkara, from March 2017 to April 2018 one of the country spokesman of the AfD in the state of Baden-Württemberg, called in may of 2018 for a Demonstration, “now let us take the Islam out of Germany suggest. Islam is a rotting carcass in our country“. Özkara is today speaker of the AfD group in the Bavarian Landtag.

The hate speech, the BfV is not equal to a rating of all, the Effort to achieve a differentiated assessment is generally in opinion is unmistakable. At the end of the Chapter, “Islam enemy positions”, the news service, however, a clear negative result.

In the overall look of the quoted statements of senior officials of the AfD depends on “a fundamental rejection of Islam and a lump-sum vilification of Muslims” that from the evidence “for an anti-constitutional effort is to be expected.”

How is “in The wings”?

in March, 2015 founded “wings” is a loose merger in the AfD, registered members there are. The radical tone of Höcke, similar to the right knitted André Poggenburg has left the party recently. Poggenburg, however, is mentioned in the report.

As an additional “activists”, which can be attributed to the wing, called the BfV of the Brandenburg AfD-Chef Andreas Kalbitz and Hans-Thomas till Schneider, member of the Landtag of the AfD in Saxony-Anhalt. The Central event will hold meeting the annual “Kyffhäuser” in which Höcke, and other AfD-celebrities in front of hundreds of supporters wild Talk.

Höcke, till Schneider and to a limited extent Kalbitz would have known in their Speeches to a “völkisch-nationalist ideology”, “the Survival of the as a historically grown, organic unit imaginary people is important, behind the the well-being of the individual has to withdraw, and would not, therefore, with the guarantee of the people are compatible,” writes the BfV. And also mentioned that in 2018 Gauland occurred to meet the Kyffhäuser, AfD Co-leader, Jörg Meuthen in the previous year.

The news service also stresses the importance of Höckes appearance at an event of the “young Alternative”, in January 2017 in Dresden. The AfD-man referred to the Holocaust memorial in Berlin as a “monument of shame” and received cheers. Outside of the AfD, the speech sparked outrage. The BfV evaluates Höckes Statements in Dresden as a “document for at least Parts of the revisionist and the protection of the Constitution relevant to the history of the image”.

What is “YES” in the report?

members of the Junior organization Höckes beklatschten Dresden speech, is no coincidence. The BfV can already see in the Central political program of the young Alternative, the “Germany plan”, the problematic positions. Be eyeing “a number of objectives contrary to the principle of human dignity or the rule of law principle of touch”.

As a “particularly critical” refers to the BfV in the Plan is called the concept of the right to asylum as a “mild-active Grace”. It would mean that “refugees and asylum seekers, de facto, deprived of their rights, and in relation to their residence status, the arbitrariness of the state’s decisions would be exposed to”.

More about

“test case” AfD the protection of the Constitution holds Gauland for more problematic than Meuthen

Frank Jansen

The news service also describes the “personal involvement” and “substantive Parallels” in the YES and of the extreme right-wing Identitarian movement. The Connections were already an occasion for the protection of the Constitution authorities in Bremen, lower Saxony and Baden-Württemberg, the observation of the record YES.