A day after the elections that turned to 12 men and women of Vox in parliamentary andalusian, the social networks called for rallies and demonstrations anti-fascists in Granada, Malaga and Seville. This Tuesday, 24 hours later, the collective anti-fascists in the rest of provinces have joined the call.


Thousands of people protest against Vox in several andalusian capitals DIRECT Reactions to the collapse of the PSOE and the rise of Vox

In Granada, the concentration and the objection has not been interrupted. On Tuesday night, a group of 1,000 people struggling in the plaza del Carmen, in front of the city Hall of the city, how to carry on their fight. That Monday started as a rally in front of the City hall and then became a march to the headquarters of Vox walk through the main streets of the city, ended with camping in front of the town Hall. From Monday to Tuesday, half a hundred young people set up some tents and spent the night there. Something more than 24 hours later, on the night of Tuesday, the camp is still installed despite the fact that the police reported this afternoon to the concentrates that had to leave the plaza or they would be dissolved. Finally, the agents have not intervened.

late Tuesday, about 1,000 people –some of them with the face covered– held an assembly at the mode of the 15M in which they decided how to continue their protest. A few minutes before nine in the evening, in an unexpected turn of events, some of the concentrates have started a march through the streets of the city in the direction of the local chapter of the Vox that has alerted the National police and local Police though, at the time of writing this chronicle, had not occurred incidents.

In Cádiz, the call against the advance of Vox has resonated with some 2,500 people, according to figures from the authorities. The verses of the anthem of Andalusia —”by Andalusia free…”— have been full of emotion the Cathedral square. The concentration, which has subsequently traveled the pathways most central of the city for an hour and a half, has begun Perabet in the plaza de San Juan de Dios. In some streets in the center of the city, especially on commercial streets, have appeared painted anti-fascists. Flags of Andalusia, communist, republican, or of the LGBTI community were standing out among a predominantly younger audience. 3<Franco is not dead, it is in the Parliament"; "Cadiz will be the tomb of fascism" or "Vox, Citizens, PP, the same shit is" were some of the slogans most repeated in this march of cadiz which, in its passage, have shouted their slogans in front of the headquarters of the PP or of the provincial delegations of the Board at which the change of political colour is likely. Among those gathered were several councilors of the Government Team For Cadiz Yes You Can.

Although the concentration has passed peacefully, in a general way, a few journalists of the municipal television, Onda Cadiz, have reported that a hooded’ve been beaten to a camera and to an editor.

The demonstration through the streets of the centre of Cadiz has continued to the plaza of the Cathedral. There, a good part of the congregation has opted to leave, while another part has continued in the direction of the area outside the city walls. In this journey, and especially at the end, in the area of the avenida and the plaza Hasdrubal, have begun to appreciate acts of vandalism more serious. Some of the protesters have broken mirrors of the cars parked in the street and had pulled and burned containers. That has forced the intervention of the units anti-riot of the National Police, who have acted “to restore the public order”, according to clarified sources of this body of security. Agents have detained two protesters.

At the same time in Cadiz, another protest occupied the plaza del Arenal in Jerez de la Frontera. There were about 500 people protesting against Vox. Also Algeciras, El Puerto de Santa María or San Fernando have been added to the cry of outraged with what they consider an advance of fascism.

Meanwhile, according to the agency Efe, in the boulevard Gran Capitan, Cordoba have been gathered more than a thousand people under the slogan “Andalusia is not the place for fascisms”. Also here, the concentration has become a manifestation that has led to cuts of circulation, but not incidents. In Almería, around 400 people have supported the mobilisation and seven in the afternoon have been concentrated in the central Puerta de Purchena. In Jaen, the concentration has brought together about 200 people. In Seville, the protest this Tuesday has been much more minority than that of 24 hours ago. In Huelva, there has also been a demonstration at 18.30, according to the Journal of Huelva.