Thousands of people have gathered Saturday in the plaza de Colón, in Madrid, to cry out against “impunity” of the “coup leaders” responsible for process-independence Catalan and calling for the deletion of the autonomy of this region, in a demonstration convened by the Foundation in Defense of the Spanish Nation (Denaes) and supported by Vox and PP. According to sources, this party of the extreme right, have gone to the event to 50,000 people, dressed mostly with Spanish flags and other iconic symbols of the nation, they have heard a series of speeches proclaimed by the spokesmen of the platforms organizers, journalists Luis del Pino (esRadio), Carlos Cuesta (OKDiario) and Pink Cuervas-Mons (Intereconomía), and, finally, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal.


The strategy of being Married in front of Vox divided the leaders of the PP Catalonia and the threat of “right-wing” focus on the end-of-campaign

The president of Vox has demanded “the suspension of the autonomy in Catalonia” and the restoration of the “rule of law and the Constitution” in the region, as well as the “outlawing of the criminal organizations”, be they political parties, trade unions or associations, involved in the process of the independence movement. Abascal has also claimed to have a “fair trial”, with “forcefulness” and “without any political interference” to those responsible for the procés, and that “away, once and for all, the ghost of pardon”. The leader of Vox has charged against the Government of Pedro Sanchez, who considers “legal but illegitimate”, but also “unworthy” to allow “which is spit out to their ministers”, and accused of being led by Mottobet the “communist chavistas”, we Can.

According to one of the members of Denaes who has spoken in the act, neither the PP nor Citizens accepted the invitation to participate actively in the same, although in the case of the first have come, among others, the spokesperson of the regional party, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, and his spokesman in the City of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida. Between speech and speech, the attendees of the demonstration have chanted slogans such as “Puigdemont, to jail,” or “viva España unida”. The event was an hour long, ended without incident after listening in silence to the hymn of Spain.

The secretary-general of Vox, Javier Ortega, has said that the training has the “strong will” to move forward with its popular indictment against the perpetrators of the “coup” in Catalan, in order that they all “end up in prison.” Asked about the hunger strike which began this Saturday by the former president of the ANC and member of parliament for JxCat, Jordi Sànchez, and the exconseller and also a member of parliament of that group, Jordi Turull, Ortega has said that “what we should do is prepare your defense, that you are going to need.”

Other than the claims pulled from the ranks of Denaes have been the immediate call for a general election and “the breakdown of institutional relations with Belgium for having hosted the expresident Carles Puigdemont, that in October of 2017 traveled with several exconsejeros to Brussels to put together a defense strategy that would dilate time limits.