The emergence of Vox in the andalusian Parliament has removed the political chessboard. The extreme right party, has enjoyed the support of almost 400,000 andalusian. The boom of the training has been especially pronounced in some places that were barn vote of the PP, as in El Ejido (Almería) or in the seville district of Los Remedios. In Albuñol (Granada) has won the PSOE, but Vox has climbed to the third position.

The Ejido: victory in the field of Almería

In The Round, a polygon-to-five miles of El Ejido (Almería) where they approach each morning, dozens of farmers to sell their vegetables, there has been this Monday, a topic that focused the attention: the 12 deputies that has made Vox in the andalusian Parliament —two of them on the Almeria—. Located in the southwest of the province, The Ejido (89.000 inhabitants) is a municipality covered greenhouses, where agriculture is the main economic activity.


DIRECT Reactions to the collapse of the PSOE and the rise of the right CHART Vox succeeds where there are more immigrants PP and Citizens, willing to make a pact with Vox to govern Andalusia

A third of its population are immigrants (mainly moroccans, sub-saharan africans and romanians) who have settled in the region by the ease to get a job in the field, on many occasions spot. The rejection of part of the population in this group is one of the mobilizers of the support to Vox in The Ejido, the only municipality where, with 29.5% of the vote, has managed to be the force with more ballots.

“Here there is only one racism: the ones who suffer the spaniards”, he assures in the Round a farmer who declines to give his name. “They have what they do not have the Spanish”, he adds. “Come and receive 400 euros, when here there are pensioners who receive a 600”.

Several immigrants that come together next to an office administrative claim not to have heard never speak of Vox, and know that a party that wants to deport undocumented migrants and deport those in a legal situation who commit serious crimes have erupted in the institutions. “Living together is not so bad,” says Rabha Kharifi, a moroccan woman aged 51, who has lived 15 years in Spain, the last six in The Ejido. The neighbors still recall the events of February of the year 2000, when, following the murder of three people at the hands of north africans hundreds of neighbors decided to take matters into their own hands by attacking the immigrant population.

In Balanegra, a municipality bordering of 3,000 of their neighbors, where Vox has exceeded 30% of the vote, a trader who claims to have voted for the PSOE claims that the comerca is “very right wing”. “Note even in the deal”, he says and believes many farmers to “contradict”. “They are against immigration and at the same time need hand work of moroccan and sub-saharan africans to work in their farms”.

Albuñol: I work for immigrants

With 7,000 inhabitants, and thousands and thousands of square feet under plastic, Albuñol is a continuation-in-Granada of the economic model of almeria greenhouses and african immigrants. And also it looks like the areas of greenhouses in Almeria in the success of Vox, a 20% of the Jokerbet votes have been for this game. Yesterday at five in the afternoon, vans and more vans are unloaded in the town square, dozens of workers in the field.

Moussa and Paco Sall are two of them. Come from Senegal and they charge “between 4,60 and 5 euros per hour, for a day of eight hours and without a contract”. They are not happy with it but say they feel well in the village. While they’re still on their way, Rafael, a mason of illness, points to the journalist. “Do you see? There are a lot of work that are carried and that are not given to the spaniards”. Rafael has voted to Vox.

In Albuñol, with a per capita income of 3,000 euros, has won the PSOE (775 votes, 31,81%), but 491 of the 2,500 ballots have gone to Vox. Rafael, a former voter of the PP, is one of those who has opted for the extreme right party. At his side will listen to Annuar, moroccan 20 years in Spain, “with papers but without work”. If reminded Rafael that the party that has voted to not want immigrants in Spain, denies it: “Immigrants yes, but with papers and work.”

Vox has little infrastructure in Albuñol. Just a page of Facebook that, basically, he has shared the publications of the match, without many in-house publications. The campaign, according to Matthias, 50, owner of a bar and voting socialist that he is so amazed of what happened, has been “deaf but a very good one, by the looks of it”. “It has been a face-to-face a few that drank beer with each other while the were convincing. So good that I know people of the PSOE has voted to Vox,” he admits. While you finish writing the document of sale with his client, Armando agrees: “has Not circulated any document, nor have been handed out papers on the streets.” The rally nearest you, he says, has been in Almeria at 75 kilometres of Albuñol.

remedies: tired PP

On the balconies of the street Assumption, in the seville barrio of Los Remedios, flags of Spain share the limelight with the draperies ‘ purple by the recent coronation of the virgin of the Victory of the Brotherhood of The Cigar. In the number 45 waves a banner of green in favor of Vox. “I have voted because I feel protected when we defend, among other things, the unity of Spain. The results of the election are a breath of fresh air,” admits Angel Boix sitting in a bank of this commercial street in the lee press. In this district, traditionally a conservative and a voter of PP, the training has enjoyed the support of 3.645 neighbors in front of the 471 three years ago.

In The Remedies, with an average income of 42.984 euros per inhabitant, came last Sunday to the polls almost 75% of the nearly 20,000 neighbors on the right to vote, a share that exceeds the average by more than 15 points. Vox has been the second force with the most votes, behind the PP. “It is the clear implication of the surfeit with the previous direction of the PP, a party that has lost the values of life, which has not been defined in many ways… Today Vox represents more the values of the neighborhood,” says the president of the neighbourhood association, Jose Maria Canizares.

“Friends, neighbors and supporters of the PP told us that they would vote to Vox to try, see if it makes more than the PP… We are all very disillusioned with politics,” says Mari Carmen Vazquez, who says he has always voted for the PSOE. “My wife is affiliated to the PP, and we voted to Vox, my children also. We are disenchanted with the PP, especially after the stage of Rajoy,” says Eugenio Lería, those who trust in a covenant among the popular Citizens and Vox. “Andalusia needed a change,” he adds.

Jesus Torres, fruit in the market, ensures you also have perceived his desire for change. “The neighborhood has neither public schools, nor institutes, or libraries, or day care centers… we have a health center, and is saturated. Perhaps that claim Vox recentralizar education and health also have depth,” adds the president of the neighbors. “The end always comes when something doesn’t work,” says Marisol Serrano, who claims to have voted for the PP because Vox has not convinced.