He prefers to rely on “personal responsibility”: Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has spoken out against EU plans to check senior citizens’ fitness to drive.

He said to the “Bild am Sonntag”: “I don’t believe in the idea that seniors from a certain age have to undergo a fitness test regularly without any further reason.”

In order to increase road safety, the EU Commission wants to change the rules for the physical and mental suitability of driver candidates and drivers. Although age continues to play a role, the inclusion of certain diseases is even more important, it said.

According to this, driving licenses for people over the age of 70 should only be extended for a maximum of five years in the future – in conjunction with a test.

According to the Commission’s communication, drivers should also be encouraged to “update their driving skills and knowledge in order to keep up with technological developments”.

“Many older people are very experienced, careful drivers,” Wissing continues. “I’m clearly going for personal responsibility here. I reject mandatory health tests, such as the EU has in mind.”