Between 600 and 1,000 people gathered in Kungälv, sweden to demonstrate against the neo-nazi NMR:s train in Kungälv, sweden, during the first of may. Among other things, representatives from the Feminist initiative and the Clowns against the nazis who shouted slogans against the NMR-train. When nearly 100 NMR:are approached Nytorget where they would keep the speech erupted in civil unrest.

Live: DN reports directly on the first of may-celebrations and demonstrations

“How much tax money will this cost,” said Kungälvsbon Marianne to DN. It is terrible that this happens in our small town.

been taken to have constituted a threat to public order when the pavers and the bangers being thrown against the police horses. In particular it was counter-demonstrators. Another two were recovered to have brought equipment that can be used for the use of force.

00:26. At 12 o’clock, the police had in Kungälv, sweden, formed in a wall of piketbilar between the nazis and motdemonstranterna. Suddenly slamming several fireworks of the heart of the NMR-followers.

At one point tried to motdemonstranterna tearing it down kravallstaket that the police set up, but the police managed to prevent this from succeeding.

An NMR-protester was injured and was seen bleeding from a wound in the head when the NRM left Nytorget at half past four o’clock.

the DN’s photographer to see how NMR-followers used their flags against the police which made the police identified the group when it was going on towards the cars as the members arrived in. In order to identify the suspects should have started a fight.

Several NMR supporters of the detained suspected of violent riots and incitement to hatred, said police at 16.45 time.

the demonstration in Ludvika, it has been troubled. A notification of disorderly conduct has been drawn up after the NMR burned a EU flag in the square in Ludvika, reports the DN’s reporter on the spot.

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