As part of a UN peace plan for Yemen have pulled the Houthi rebels, according to their own information from the strategically important port city of Hudaida. The troops had started in the night with the deduction, said military spokesman Jahia Saria the the Houthi-controlled television channel Al-Masira on Saturday. The UN has confirmed the withdrawal.

a UN representative said on Saturday, left the first fighters of the Houthi rebels at midnight on the harbour. The parties to the conflict in Yemen had geeingt at peace talks in Sweden on a ceasefire, the Houthi rebels controlled the Western Yemeni port city through which much of the aid to the starving population comes into the country. Observers of the United Nations, under the leadership of the former Dutch General Patrick Cammaert will monitor the implementation of the peace plan.

from the side Of the rebels, it was said that the coast guard have taken control. The coast guard of Hudaida is said that their leadership is connected with the Iran-supported Houthi rebels. Since 2014, the ongoing conflict is a Sunni is fighting rebels-Arab Alliance on the part of the internationally recognized government of Yemen against the Shia Houthi, who have taken over large parts of the North of Yemen.

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In Yemen more than eight million people suffer from Hunger, according to the UN’s 14 million are threatened with Hunger. In January will be set out in a further round of talks, the framework for a comprehensive peace. (AFP, dpa, Reuters)