the Company on Ekerö island, had long had a problem with thieves who slangat diesel from the fuel tanks. Despite several measures, among other things, had to park arbetsmaskinerna tightly next to the containers so as to obstruct access for the thieves, managed the company does not remedy the problem.

When Niklas Krämer and his colleague finally managed to catch the thief in the act and arrest him prosecuted themselves for unlawful detention.

” It was really hard the first time, I couldn’t believe it was true. Here you think you’ve done something good, and so is turned to the headlamp against yourself, while the thief goes free. The evidence we have gathered against the thief turned towards us, Niklas Creams previously said to DN.

their actions, a so-called envarsingripande. It is the legal term for the right that everyone has under certain circumstances to arrest a person who has committed the crime.

But it was not the investigating authority Urszula Grabowska. According to the act, a envarsingripande take place in connection to the crime.

“I can understand that it is extremely frustrating to you as a person are not allowed to do certain things that you believe are right,” said Urszula Grabowska then.

Picture from the police investigation in which the thief carries away with two 25-litre jerry cans with diesel. Photo: Police

acquitted Niklas Krämer and his colleague for the crime. The right has made a concerted assessment and writes in his judgment that their actions do not count as unlawful deprivation of liberty since they lacked intent, and acted in the belief that they did the right thing. The district court writes that nothing in their actions suggest that they even considered that the action was not within the tillåtnas limit.

According to the right, there was also no doubt that the men took hold of the right person and that the cable ties used to bind the thief was utilised with caution. It is also pointed out that, in context, were correct to believe the thief could be perceived as dangerous.

the district Court also writes that the fact that Niklas Krämer and his colleagues have been in contact with the police the evening before, and then even when they grabbed the thief must be taken into account.

“I am so grateful that they weighed out what we thought in this situation, it is absolutely fantastic,” says Niklas Creams to Aftonbladet.

Read more: Caught the thief – now he is to be tried