Everyone is talking about increasing polarisation in Norway. In the social media breeds stammekrigene: Innvandringsmotstandere against the liberals, the car owners against the MDGS, feminists against abortmotstandere, koko-the right against skrotvenstre.

But is it really correct that the staid and konsensusorienterte norwegians have been just as split as the americans and brits? In the weekly episode of “the Last with Marie Simonsen” we talk with sociologist and phd Ketil Raknes at the Kristiania university College of polarization is in English, and how bad it can go when families stop talking with each other.

Polarization is also between male and female voters. The last few decades have men voted to the right, women to the left a little bit single said. Now will the left work to get male voters back, but is struggling to crack the code. Must it be at the expense of policies that get women to vote to the left?

With: Ketil Raknes, Martine Aurdal, Ola Magnussen Rydje, and Marie Simonsen.