Board and corporate governance the minister of Sirpa Paatero (sd.) the difference has attracted policy circles the debate on who will replace the minister.
the Pattern is not completely clear. Part of the policy of the observers said that now the democrats can be recycled ministers. Within the government could be raised to minister Paatero place, when someone else portfolio should meet.
Necessarily at this stage the government through do not need to observe so carefully the ministers ‘ constituency or gender, because the situation looking for a fast solution.
a Solution for the new minister makes the SDP party government, which will decide the issue of the president Antti Rinne the show. The slope is not today commented on who could be Paatero successor.
Spekulaatioissa the following board and owner guidance minister are involved in at least the following names.
Ville Skinnari, development cooperation and foreign trade minister, SDPKimmo Brandt / Compic / Parliamentary
Ville Skinnarin lifting Paatero order to justify the corridor speeches behind her. Skinnari is a jurist, so he’d have lunch to take care of difficult the owner the control of the minister’s portfolio. Skinnarin is estimated to be also brave enough to challenge the situation for the treatment of. Mail in addition, the minister had to take responsibility also for the track, which has been difficult in the activity.
Antti Lindtman, the parliamentary group chairman, SDPKimmo Brandt / Compic / Parliamentary
Antti Lindtmania was asked for the Slope, a government minister earlier in the summer, but he refused the job of. Lindtman based its decision on, inter alia, the family situation. Now the speeches, it is estimated that lindtman the phone rings, but the Slope had to settle for fun. As such lindtman the situation, no changes have occurred, which would justify the answer.
Tarja Filatov, mp, SDPKimmo Brandt / Compic / Parliamentary
Tarja Filatov is an experienced minister and mps, which is estimated to be doing in a place like place. Him, therefore, could be trusted, when soe things will be put in order. Filatov has previously worked, inter alia, the labour minister. Filatov is certainly from the same constituency as the minister of Skinnari, but in exceptional circumstances it might not be the same harm as the government in forming the blank slate.
Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, the euro representative, SDPJussi Nukari / Lehtikuva
Miapetra Kumpula-Natri a return to domestic politics has been rumored for some time. Now it would be an opportunity, when the owner of the control of the minister’s portfolio is without having to. One theory is that Kumpula-Natri could take development to the minister of the portfolio, if Skinnari would increase the owner control minister. Kumpula-Natri gain the minister is also supported by his long experience in the party.
Johannes Koskinen, mp, SDPKimmo Brandt / Compic / Parliamentary
John Koskinen choose to support the experience. Koskinen has served previously as justice minister and the constitutional committee chairman, so he had the potential to be the owner of the control of the minister of portfolio. Rapids is described further as a man and, more recently, corporate governance ministerial mission with honor would have demanded accuracy.
Johanna Ojala-Niemelä, mp, SDPKimmo Brandt / Compic / Parliamentary
Johanna Ojala-Niemelä the name has been spekulaatioissa involved for a long time. They made him a prior in the estimates the minister already before the slope of the government had been formed. Ojala-niemelä, speaking on behalf of the long experience and the fact that he read the slope of the strong supporters. He is in the constituency of Lapland, where the SDP is not in this period still been the minister. Ojala-Niemelä has sat in parliament since 2007.
Anneli Kiljunen, mp, SDPKimmo Brandt / Compic / Parliamentary
Anneli Kiljunen the place of the minister in favour of a long career as an mp. Kiljunen has been in parliament since 2003. Kiljunen is also from the same constituency as She and Paatero. This could contribute to his choice of minister.
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