Will the welfare state survive the green shift, is dependent on a strong and good cooperation with the EUROPEAN union.
Outdated by reality Debate
Now there is a possible Brexit-appointment. For the british is the future currently uncertain, the employment and commerce may be turned on its head. The conflicts we see in british politics and the criticism of the agreement, which will now be voted over, shows how important the EUROPEAN union and good trade agreements are for a large country such as the united Kingdom. Then one can only imagine how important it is for us in the Uk!
We have a proud tradition as handelsnasjon. Timber, fishing, technology, and oil are some of our main export goods. The EEA ensures us access to the Eu’s internal market without that we need to pay customs duties on the goods we sell. It makes the trade profitable for Norway.
Accused of myth-spreading about the EEA
Without access on it inner european market we will not be able to compete with other EU countries on price, speed and quality.
Norway is in a better position today including timber, fisheries and green energy production than most other countries in the world. But with today’s technology, this can change quickly. Without the EEA-agreement is not our main industries be as profitable anymore. The price of goods will be higher and the goods will not even be sold if they do not follow EU standards.
today ensures the oil many jobs and provides large revenues which in turn means that we have a lot of money to spend on elderly care, school, health care and pensions. When we eventually make the transistion away from oil, will other industries take over most workplaces. the
EEA is a abonnementsordning on høyrepolitikk Debate
the EEA-agreement is the best agreement we can get without being a full member of the EU, and if we are to have a welfare state also in the future, we are dependent on a profitable handelsnæringer.