The new gymnasielagen was created to provide an opportunity to stay in Sweden for the minors who came to Sweden before 24 november 2015, but who managed to fill 18 before their asylum case was settled. Under the new law can meet the requirements to get a temporary residence permit to study in high school.

11.708 young people submitted an application to the Swedish migration board.

Before the end of the year expect the authority to have made a decision on all applications. Of those who had received notice on 14 december had 4.497 approval, and 2.511 rejection of their application. A few cases lagging behind, for example, on the basis of a criminal conviction that has significance for the case.

But the Swedish migration board is dealing with only about half of the applications came in. The rest is decided in court, because the applications in the case of people whose asylum cases are still open. For the individual it is more advantageous to be granted asylum, and only when a rejection of an asylum request has become final, are subject to the possibility of a temporary residence permit, according to the gymnasielagen. It is made also by the court.

a thousand cases to be decided in the four the, and it will be several months before all have been informed.

During the waiting period, the situation for the applicants for authorisation, shifted greatly between the municipalities. Any obligation to offer school to anyone who is not already go to high school, and who have a final asylavslag, are not. According to the law is the one who has applied for or been granted a residence permit under the new gymnasielagen to consider as an adult, with the responsibility for subsistence and livelihood.

the Municipalities ‘ handling of the applicants for authorisation, vary greatly.

of the different situation of the vulnerable groups the national Board of health investigated the municipalities ‘ preparedness. According to a brand-new report allows 74 per cent of the surveyed municipalities, the young people who have applied or been granted a residence permit according to the gymnasielagen go to school. Just over half of the municipalities have granted them financial assistance. At the same time, say six out of ten municipalities that they lack guidance for the group within the scope of the new gymnasielagen. Some local authorities say they lack full control of how many people from the group staying in the municipality.

the national Board writes in its report that the municipalities certainly do not have the formal responsibility for the group in question, but to a stable social situation can be life-changing for many.

– Many came to Sweden as unaccompanied children, and got help with, among other accommodations. Now they are no longer entitled to the same support. Many have traumatic experiences behind him and has lived a long time in suspense. It increases the risk of mental ill health and social problems, ” says Petra Rinman, head of the National centre of Excellence for unaccompanied children.

this is nine times higher than for a comparison group of Swedish children.

the national Board of health draws the government’s attention on the gap between what the municipalities are obliged to do for the young – almost nothing – and what they may do, in the first instance with the support of the social services – quite a lot.

Sara German Ehrnborg, spokesperson of the movement ”We will not stand out”, and contact with the asylum and applicants for authorisation, in the whole country, confirms that the image shifts great.

In some places will arrange the municipalities with stödboenden, or cooperate with civil society, but in other places there is no such dialogue and civil society have stepped in completely. Also the cost is then added entirely on volunteers, ” she says.

staying with the friends, acquaintances, and in the non-profit places, but there are also young people who sleeps in different places each night, or on the bus.

According to the international conventions that Sweden has signed, includes safe housing, food and school for human rights – for all. The rights seems totally shot for this group, ” says Sara German Ehnborg.

the Swedish migration board has during the past two years, comprising 185 million to municipalities around the country in support for accommodation and school for the young people concerned, of which the vast majority have come alone to Sweden.

because of the protracted formation of the government is uncertain about how the Migration of the resources in the coming years, which can cause problems for the municipalities.

Amria Majidi was not allowed to go in high school: ”I felt no hope.”