Animals A pig that had been entrusted to a family in Brittany, is against the appointment in gender. The owner of ‘Babe’ processed for her meat in homemade pâté. A court Thursday, the 40-year-old woman sentenced to a prison sentence of three months on probation and a fine of 500 euros.
The woman from the town of Saint-Jacut-les-Pins (department of Morbihan) searched in november 2016, the dierenorganisatie La Dernière Chance that adoptiegezinnen for piglets was looking for. The piglet Babe, so named after the pig from the eponymous film of 1995, was with her family, to be found. In the contract was clear that the zwijntje, under any circumstances, allowed to be slaughtered. If there are any problems, had La Dernière Chance to be contacted. The employees should sow than come back to retrieve. the
A person in charge of the organization was three weeks later suspicious when a Babe in no fields or roads to be seen. The lady said at first that the animal was housed with her ex-husband. Babe was to become great and was several times out of her loft for escapes. The organization explained, then the police. The agents found in the house of the woman 110 kilograms of tinned meat in. the
Her ex-husband, a former butcher, a well-known animal with a gunshot to have been killed. He declared not to be aware of the adoptiecontract and pointed to his ex. They would always have intended to the beast to kill, and to skinning for meat consumption. the
The woman appeared Thursday before the court on charges of abuse of trust and complicity to illegal slaughter. Along an unofficial path itself pâté to produce, the woman may be the health of others at risk, ooordeelde the right. The woman was three months were conditionally imposed, and should be a fine of 500 euros to pay.
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As mentioned earlier, the young sow named after the zwijntje ‘Babe.’ In this Australian-American blockbuster (yield around 225 million euro) from 1995 takes a pig with success the role of shepherd. For the recordings were the creators to appeal to dozens of piglets. A high number, because the pigs as quickly grew. Also these animals were subsequently placed with new owners. They had a written promise that their pig would not slay.