Environment The volcano Anak Krakatau has two-thirds of its height and up to three-quarters of the volume lost after the eruption last week that a tsunami caused. The natural disaster cost the lives of 431 people and made 7.200 wounded. Further, there are still fifteen people who have disappeared. That is from official Indonesian sources heard.

Anak Krakatau has now a content of 40 to 70 million cubic meters, estimate researchers of the Indonesian center for volcanology. That’s 150 to 180 million cubic meters less than for the eruption of the 22nd of december. A part of the crater collapsed into the sea. That mass of lava, rocks and ash caused on 22 december, a tsunami in the Strait of Sunda, between Java and Sumatra.

also, Read more than 40,000 people made homeless by the tsunami in Indonesia

On the basis of a visual analysis crossed the volcano Friday a further 110 metres above sea level. Before the eruption, the height of 338 meters, or a reduction of 228 metres, according to scientists from the Indonesian centre for volcanology (PVMBG). For their analysis were the experts mainly use of satellietradarbeelden. It is not yet possible on the spot to take a look, reports news agency AP. the

A week after the series of eruptions, the balance sheet as at 431 to kill, 7.200 wounded and 15 missing. According to the agency for national disasters were after the natural phenomenon in five districts 46.646 people evacuated. Thousands of Indonesian muslims commemorated today the victims of the tsunami in the hardest-hit region Pandeglang.

Although still strict warnings for the area around the Krakatau funds, is the risk of a new tsunami is a lot less now the volcano is so much less mass, the researchers say.