Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Squint, diarrhea, autism, Bronchitis, Asthma, and skin rashes. And Yes, leukemia. Leukemia.

Dr. med. Alexander Ilg, born. In 1949, the completion of the medical degree in 1976, assistant physician to 1983, from 1984, with a private practice. This Dr. med. Alexander Ilg is in the Function of the host house lion in Wolfertswil, Canton of St. Gallen, and reads the most lethal leaflet of the story.

The people at the well-attended public lecture of the Impfkritikers are getting in that age, in the Swiss children, and then the country will not pull out (if you are already there). You can drink carbonated water, Rivella, Coca-Cola, rare Cider or beer, and make notes.

to write: children’s diseases are backpacks that you need to remove. Diseases are not a Defect, but a performance of the body. Vaccinations are mixed with aluminum. Aluminum triggers Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s (to demonstrate the power of Ilg in the Function of the lion a couple of Parkinson’s steps as before Mohammed Ali). You write further: Any history of illness, strengthens the self-consciousness of the body. And, leukemia. “It would make me wonder what would happen with leukemia, if you would not vaccinate the children,” says Ilg, and in the lion is as good as clear to everyone, what would happen then. Leukemia finally defeated.


In the course of the two-hour presentation to the Eastern Swiss women and mothers group”, of Course, loaded Gsund” last Thursday, comes to the measles. “It is now again made a massive Propaganda due to measles,” begins a young woman. No one like to talk about it, says Ilg, the vaccination could be even worse than the disease. Recurring Bronchitis, Asthma, And Skin Rashes. He had seen all of this after a measles vaccination. “The complications which we want to avoid, arouses you.”

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For years, Alexander Ilg travels for such talks in Switzerland. That his and the arguments of his supporters fall on fertile ground, the current communications of the Federal office for the health (BAG). 114 measles cases have been reported since the beginning of the year. In the same period of the previous year, there were 15. The were ill because of the higher vaccination rates, although significantly less than ten years ago, as hundreds of patients, but for the authorities in each case is “too much, because we could prevent it,” says Mark Witschi, the head of the BAG, the section on recommendations. Therefore, measles may result in one out of 1000 cases inflammation of the Brain, in 10 to 60 of 1000 cases of pneumonia. The mortality rate in industrialised countries is 1 to 3 on 10’000 Contracted, in developing countries, between 300 and 500. To follow as the deadly inflammation of the brain SSPE come late.

Such Numbers are there, the people in Wolfertswil “Propaganda”. Mood make the pharmaceutical-dependent, and Powerful in Bern.

conspiracy ideas and real Fears

The resistance is as old as vaccination itself: before about two hundred years ago, a British country doctor, and initialized for the first time, successful children immune to smallpox, fought the parents with the medical intervention in the body of your children vehemently. And one hundred years ago there were in the German part of Switzerland even large opponents of clubs. A “special understanding of naturalness” is even today a Central motif of the vaccine critics, says Eberhard Wolff, cultural scientists and medical historians at the universities of Basel and Zurich. “You want to have any foreign substance in your body and assess the risk of vaccination is greater than that of the disease.” Measles would see it as a necessary process of development of the child. In addition, I have always played the current Zeitgeist, a role, says Wolff, who has conducted research on the history of the Impfgegnerschaft.

Today in the resentment against the pharmaceutical industry. It financed the vaccination campaigns, pay the Doctors, will infiltrate the authorities, it means the us is a unique combination. In the process, conspiracy ideas in addition to real Fears of concerned parents, says Wolff. According to the invention, the vaccination, rather, the rural population had been skeptical, today, the criticism was more prevalent in a specific cultural Milieu: nature-loving families, located in the upper middle class, the natural healers are more familiar than the school of medicine.

“A luxury problem”

The theme of divided opponents and proponents for centuries, because issues of principle to be negotiated: How much plurality is our health care system? There are limits to the determination about their own body? “Vaccinations, in addition to the medical social side effects,” says Wolff. In order to understand it, it is important to consider the other logic can be differentiated.

Christoph Berger tries to avoid it. The doctor at the Zurich University children’s hospital (Kispi) is for the opponents is a charming figure: As the President of the Federal Commission for vaccination, he advises the Federal government in the recommendations. Berger is aware of the concerns. In his office at the Kispi he switches the storage between computers, a meeting table and a Folder in order to illustrate his statements. Because Berger like graphics, tables, Figures, and basically all of the quantifiable facts that there is on the subject.

Finland has eradicated the measles in Switzerland, only half of the 35 vaccinated-Year-olds, but 19 out of 20 of the 16-Year-old twice, however, one in five measles patient must be hospitalized, and so on.

But all this, says Berger, and leans back in his chair, pointless in a conversation with impfskeptischen parents. “In such a discussion helpful and are neither studies nor with emotions.”

regions with impfkritischer attitude

The Supreme Vaccinators Switzerland, trying, instead, to ask the questions of principle individual: “Why are you Worried about? What do you know about the risks of measles vaccination compared to the disease?” The goal must be that everyone’s own thoughts to do so, weighing, and decisions, instead of blindly to follow the group’s theories, says Berger. The Impfzweifel were sometimes on the border of the rationally explainable. “You are, ultimately, a luxury problem in an affluent society.”

The resistance can be also geographically located In Central Switzerland and in the Canton of Appenzell, the vaccination coverage according to the Figures of the BAG is comparatively low. This is no coincidence: In these regions, skeptics, and natural health practitioner, have a impfkritische attitude are piling up. The dedicated opponents of the current measles wave now enables the mobilization. Because Doctors and authorities to keep Unvaccinated to measles contacts to the vaccination or to exclude you from school and work that provokes resentment and favouring alternative ideas, such as Berger says. “The high vaccination rates, however, show that only a few respond to these ideas. Most people certainly do not want measles.”

such ideas; for example, in the “Impfleitfaden” by Alexander Ilg, are Written down to refer to at the presentation of books in Wolfertswil. Therein Ilg repeated his “observations” of the harmful Impffolgen. On the back pages, he answers frequently asked questions. On those, whether it’s “alternative” to vaccination, it is called: “The most effective Alternative is a healthy immune system.” And certainly not a syringe.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 08.04.2019, 10:04 PM