Science After the Marsrover Curiosity rover of NASA in 2011, was launched towards Mars, registered the add to cart regular spurts of methane gas in the atmosphere. Confusing, because the organic material is usually a sign of (alien) life. Now, researchers finally where the methane gas on the red planet may come from: molten ice crystals.

In 2009, suggested some measurements from the earth that Mars three areas with relatively high concentrations of methane gas. Scientists reacted cautiously delighted, because 99 percent of all the methane gas on earth by living organisms is produced by cows, for example. the

Then landed the Curiosity Rover in 2011 on the red planet and began own measurements onsite. That was done on the basis of soil samples that were analysed on a sign of life. The first particles of methane gas that the Marsrover found, were rather negligible.

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But in 2013 matt the Marsrover is suddenly a significant increase of methane in the air. That increase was at least two months. Probably had something to do with the seasons, so thought the researchers on earth. That suspicion was confirmed in the years that followed, because at the end of the winter in the southern hemisphere of the planet, was time and again a peak on Mars is measured.

Is that methane gas than from organic compounds, biological resources – living organisms, let’s say – or not? Methane gas was measured periodically, but no one could figure out where the gas came from. The measurements of the marswagentje planted mainly confusion. Therefore, hastened the European Space agency (ESA) to help.

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