Science NASA telescope, TESS has a new exo-planet found the size of the planet Saturn. The planet with the name TOI197.01 is a kind of a “hot Saturn” and has a diameter which is approximately nine times greater than that on earth.

The gasbol TOI197.01 circling very close to its star and is 14 earth days around again. As a result, the temperature on the planet may be much higher than that on earth. She is about 60 times heavier than the earth. The dramedy where they around circles is about 5 billion years old and is slightly heavier and larger than our sun.

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Since the launch in april 2018 in front of TESS as the successor of the famous Kepler telescope the universe looking for dips in the light of approximately 200,000 nearby stars. Such dips usually indicate a planet for a star pass. The new planet is already the fourth that TESS could find.

at the same time with the new planet gave NASA also release a list of the most promising stars with possible planets in their so-called ‘habitable zone’, the distance that life on the planet. It is a list of 1.822 stars where TESS is now more focused on search can go to the corresponding planet. 408 star of these would be in addition to planets hear where the radiation level is about as high as the level that we are of the sun. That increases the chance at life yet.