At a UN conference in Nairobi, the Parties want to strengthen the rights of women, in order to limit the growth of the world’s population. The conference was opened on Tuesday in Kenya’s capital, by the Deputy UN Secretary-General Amina Mohammed.

“determine The time and the number of children is a human right,” said Amina Mohammed. Taboos around sexual and reproductive health – such as contraception and sex education – would have to be broken, called crown Princess Mary of Denmark at the opening.

The Danish crown Princess at the conference in Nairobi. Image: Keystone

Currently, the 7.6 billion people in the world, by 2050 it will be, according to a UN forecast of nearly 10 billion. In Africa is expected to double, therefore, the population by then (read here how the population worldwide will develop, explained in five graphs). The summit in Nairobi is based on the UN world population conference in Cairo 25 years ago.

The organizers of the summit – the UN population Fund (UNFPA) and the governments of Kenya and Denmark – request of the Parties, a re-commitment to that program, which provides for, among other things, to improve access to family planning and sex education (read it here, as the former hunger country of Ethiopia became the model for Africa).

they don’t feel represented and want to demonstrate no interference from the UN: abortion opponents in Nairobi before the world population conference. Image: Keystone

The conference has the aim to eliminate by 2030, maternal mortality and violence against women and to give all people access to contraceptives. At the conference, more than 6000 people from more than 165 countries, the participation of the States was voluntary.

researchers warn of a “climate emergency”

More than 11 000 scientists from 153 countries have been previously in a joint statement in front of a global “climate emergency” warned of. The Undersigned also count more than 300 Researchers at Swiss universities and research institutions.

When the human behaviour, the emissions of Greenhouse gas and other climate change factors contributing to leads, not fundamental and lasting change, not more “is to prevent untold human suffering”, it means in a week previously-released statement. “Scientists have a moral duty, to warn mankind against any catastrophic threat,” said Co-author Thomas Newsome from the University of Sydney. “From the available data, it is clear that we face a climate emergency.”

“Although the global negotiations for the past 40 years, we have done more as before, and this crisis is not addressed,” said William Ripple from Oregon State University in the USA. “Climate change is here and it is accelerating faster than many scientists had expected.”

researchers: population growth curb

The researchers call for changes mainly in six areas: transition to renewable energies, reduction of emissions of substances such as methane and Soot, better protection of Ecosystems such as forests and peatlands, the consumption of more vegetable and less of animal products, sustainable change in the world economy and curb the growth of the world population.

To call for the latter, the scientist, ideally, a reduction in the growth of 80 million people per year, under socially acceptable conditions. In order to reduce the birth rate, is to strengthen the human rights and gender equality through set. In addition, education for everyone, especially for girls and young women, is an important condition (read here how demographics expert Reiner Klingholz, the population wants to get growth in the handle).

climate youth encouraged

The researchers see themselves encouraged by the increasing environmental awareness and the protests of the “Fridays for Future”movement. It should, however, happen much more. “As an Association of scientists worldwide, we stand ready to help in a just transition to a sustainable and equitable future.”

two years Ago, had initiated Researchers to Ripple and Newsome is already a similar post. More than 15’000 researchers from over 180 countries under a strong “warning to humanity was signed at that time” with the prompt to be clearer protection of the environment. (anf/sda)

Created: 12.11.2019, 13:48 PM