measurements of a more than 40 years ago, launched the space probe show that there is a remarkably sharp boundary between our solar system and the rest of the space. The probe Voyager 2 had to leave in the past year, the heliosphere, and was immersed in the interstellar space.

In the journal Nature, Astronomy, five teams of researchers present, with Swiss participation, the measurement data of the border crossing. The sister probe Voyager 1 had left the sphere of influence of the sun in 2012. Both probes are now sparks a few years on earth and then billions of years through space drifting.

The probe crossed the border to interstellar space in just a single day

The continuous particle stream, our sun blows up into space, solar wind is called, it creates a big bubble in the Gas of the interstellar space. This space astrophysicist heliosphere call. It ends where the pressure of the thin, hot sun and wind will be more on the level of you and cooler interstellar medium decreases. The gravity of the sun reaches even further into interstellar space, so that there are still asteroids, and comets revolve.

This Illustration of the Nasa shows the Transition between the solar system and interstellar space. Picture: Reuters

Both spacecraft passed the outer boundary of the heliosphere in almost the same distance from the sun – in 119 and 121 Astronomical units, so roughly 120 times the Erdabstand of the sun. The symmetric spherical shape of the heliosphere suggest.

Voyager 2 has passed the boundary of the heliosphere in just one day, indicating a sharp Transition to the interstellar Medium. “The old, historical idea that the solar wind is reduced simply gradually, the further one gets into interstellar space, this is not true,” said the Voyager-researcher Don Gurnett of the University of Iowa.

unlike Voyager 1’s sister probe has observed no areas in which interstellar Material in the heliosphere, penetrate. Instead, Voyager 2 discovered a kind of magnetic wall, the electrically charged particles from the inter-prevents Penetration of energy-rich, stellar space in the heliosphere. (SZ/pai/cvei)

Created: 04.11.2019, 18:53 Uhr