“My working time is in the morning, in the morning,” noted Thomas Mann, whose daily routine is mostly pedantic rules, including a NAP. Franz Kafka wrote, however, due to his career in insurance, late at night, sometimes until the early hours of the morning.

“Whether one is a Morning or Abendtyp, you don’t really need a Test,” said Jürgen Zulley, a sleep researcher from the University of Regensburg. “I know when my performance is high and how I have my setup the day after.” The expert for the internal clock of the people, therefore, sought to run in the morning, no phone calls, but to focus between ten and twelve on spirit work.

What strikes us when the day is particularly easy, is of rhythms depending on the sync life is surprisingly constant. The most persistent under the clock at the 24-hour rhythm, which differs also in complete seclusion and without light for months, only a few minutes have shown donors as Experiments in caves in Italy, and in the case of Andechs in upper Bavaria. In addition, it is up to 4-hour and 90-minute rhythms during the day, which let the optimum Performance to fluctuate. “Even before this was known to science, has directed much after that,” says Zulley. “After 90 minutes of work, people take a break, the double hour will take place in the school or at the University for so long and a football game.” The biggest mistake a speaker can commit, it is because, for your lecture more than 90 minutes.

infographic: The rhythm of the human body image to enlarge

in Addition, divided into a 12-hour rhythm of the day, and that is the reason for this is that there are two maxima – one in the morning, approximately between 10 and 12 o’clock and in the period between 15 and 18 o’clock. “Our hormonal circadian rhythms is strongly influenced by Cortisol, which is made especially stark in the early hours of the morning,” says hormone expert Martin Reincke, chief of Internal medicine at the University of Munich. “The very intensive production of this hormone is at three o’clock in the night; which prepares us for the Morning and the day. Important decisions should therefore be better in the morning, and contracts not necessarily in the afternoon to sign.”

meetings should be different at noon

The increase in Performance in the morning and after the lunch break schedule, however, is high. In the morning most of the people are particularly well placed to concentrate, and other cognitive benefits. That is why it is nonsensical, to put in the intellectual Professions tough meetings at 10 o’clock in the morning. “It comes full of momentum and vigour to the office and schlafft then in the Meeting after a short time,” says Zulley. “Then you are annoyed about the wasted time, and no longer thinks that it’s worth before lunch, eh, to start something productive.” It would be better, sessions at 12 o’clock or 14 o’clock.

in The afternoon, take a high of about 15 PM to about 18 PM. It is not quite as pronounced as that in the morning, and it rather refers to the speed and the force with which something can be done. Who sits in the office, can execute in this time, quickly, routine tasks. For sports or other physically demanding activities later in the afternoon, is also ideal. However, major competitions are not in accordance with the biorhythms of athletes, but according to the interests of the television broadcasters and sponsors.

the days of the peaks are Modulated by the type of sleeper – whether it is an owl or a lark, so night and active morning person, or rather an early bird. To at least two to three hours, the performance highs can be moved, therefore, in the Morning and in the afternoon after the front or the back. The a is not appeal to half eight in the morning to sharp-witted considerations in the location, others should be before ten o’clock. Survey

What type of sleeper do you feel you belong?

owl (nocturnal morning person)
a lark (early riser)
Somewhere in between

owl (nocturnal morning person)


larks (early risers)


Somewhere in between


540 votes

owl (nocturnal morning person)


larks (early risers)


Somewhere in between


540 votes

Wrong however, the adoption, he may come in the morning, getting momentum, and then keeping his level of performance. No, cyclically the person meets the requirements of everyday life: On the upswing in the Morning, the trough follows at midday, then another High in the afternoon, while it flattens to the evening, but leads some people to later in the evening, again a small boost to Activity.

This also applies to the performance of top-level sports to learning, which can vary up to a quarter in the course of a day and thus decide victory or defeat. In 2015, a study showed athletes that their highlight was on the day depends on how long you were already awake. Who was already seven o’clock on, is around five hours later, will be Optimum, that is, against twelve. The athletes arrived at around half nine from the beds, they were in the afternoon, particularly fit. Who took, however, until ten o’clock slept through ten of your waking hours and had only reached around 20 at best. Not the clock on the wall, but the clock in us.

in the Evening, the sensitivity to other stimuli

The energy consumption is also subject to daily fluctuations, such as researchers from Harvard have just increases shown. In complete Isolation and independent of Light-dark influences in the rest of the afternoon and early evening, around ten percent more calories burned than in the early hours of the morning – one reason that shift workers and people who change aircraft constantly, the time zones, to take more weight. Your metabolism is so irritated that the usual energy balance for the device in a mess.

And for tenderness, there are also optimum times of the Day? Jürgen Zulley don’t want to degrade Sex to the sleep aid. For the evening, and the night is much to say yet, finally, be perceived less external stimuli and the sensitivity to other stimuli increases. The same applies to a loved one in a Positive for smell and tactile sense, but also in the Negative for annoying sounds (snoring!) or light.

“However, the habit also makes a lot of, the body learns.”Jürgen Zulley, a sleep researcher

The cycles and rhythms that determine the day, on the outside have little effect. The feel frequent flyers, the jet lag and shift workers when there is a change, because then the internal clock device with the outer together. “However, the habit also makes a lot of, the body learns time,” says Zulley. “Athletes should begin, therefore, at some point, to train then, when the event takes place.” And at a pinch can make a habit of a morning person to turn around half seven in the morning for his Jogging round Fun it is to make him, but probably never.

And you want to make the transition. Charles Bukowski liked to be friends with, never with a middle-class existence, and made his disgust at the World at the entirely inappropriate sit-to-stand times: “How, in three devil’s name, could enjoy a human to be at 6: 30 by an alarm clock roused from sleep, to jump out of bed, get dressed, eat down to cram, to brush the teeth, to poop, to pee, to comb the hair, and to fight through the traffic chaos through a place where he makes a lot of Money for another, and to be grateful for the opportunity to be able to just do this?”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 08.01.2019, 08:33 PM