There was a scene in Seefeld, Tyrol, which depicted a perfect Moment. The Moment of truth. It was Wednesday morning, in a conspiratorial rented apartment in the centre of a world Cup place. The Austrian cross-country skiers Max Hauke hung on his own-blood Infusion, the needle stuck in the Arm, as the special operations command Cobra stormed out of the room. The Federal police officers watched in the entgeisterte face of an athlete, the doctor just learned a doping treatment by the accomplice just the same German Sport, which had already supplied six years earlier Hauke’s former training partner Johannes Dürr.

Hauke is caught in flagrante delicto. (Video: Youtube)

the drought was flown during the Sochi 2014 winter games. As the sinners described at the time in the past few weeks, first in a clip from the ARD and, later, in an Interview with the “süddeutsche Zeitung” on the structural errors and the system constraints are left out, which would have driven him into the arms of a doping doctor, and thus a widespread Problem – as Hauke was one of the many, the drought as the single perpetrator branded as a black sheep.

“I have decided for me, I’m clean!”Doping sinners Max Hauke, 2014

Dürrs affair at the time, in Sochi, said the Styrian local media, have it processed “as I said, it happened, but it wasn’t me!” He also referred to the Russians, whose state was cleared in a doping affair never really for himself, but noted: “I have decided for me, I’m clean!”

Now Max Hauke is not only the face of the doping festivals in the Nordic-Cup in Seefeld, but also that of the modern top-level sport. The audacity and the self-denial which has taken hold in the industry, made in accordance with the access to 18 different locations in Thuringia and the Tyrol itself, the investigators speechless. After all, could have been for the Doping-Ring Involved from Dürrs discourses is also apparent, that there is something that could roll on you. Because in the Interviews, Dürr had shown not a name, but a clear trail to Germany, including Thuringia, and that he had been questioned by prosecutors in Austria and Germany, is also known.

special unit deals otherwise with Mafia-related offences

so, countries from all around 120 officers in the use of completely they had spied out before the world Cup begins, every movement of the “criminal network, which has provided for years, the world’s top athletes with illegal substances”, as described by the head of operations Dieter Csefan from the Vienna BKA. All methods have been exhausted, an else with Mafia-related offences dealt special unit had recorded any case of the athletes before and after competitions.

The big RAID on the sun presses flooded Seefeld as the harbinger of a biblical thunderstorm on the winter sports ; and not only on the. In Erfurt, a centrifuge and a variety of cooling of stored blood had been found in the bag, according to information of the “süddeutsche Zeitung”, there will be at least a few dozen. Csefan forecast in Tyrol: “We expect that this was just a drop on a hot stone and we can investigate more athletes from other sports.”

the sheer amount of established evidence, is reminiscent of the affair of blood fake-Fuentes.

Because the owner of the blood bag are likely to identify quickly and effortlessly. The world Anti-Doping Agency, Wada, and its national offshoots tens of thousands of individual blood profiles. “We cooperate very closely with Wada and with the Austrian Nada,” says Csefan, “and see good opportunities, to be able to the bags of blood through DNA Tests, the properties of their respective owners map.”

the sheer amount of established evidence, is reminiscent of the affair of the Spanish blood fake Eufemiano Fuentes. The woman doctor was even in part guilty. Nevertheless, the scandal was driven, ultimately, only the sport of Cycling in the existential crisis – because, as suddenly noised was that Fuentes had also supervised heroic figures of the Spanish football-big clubs and the national tennis scene, a handle from the top of the Madrid justice and prevented any further education. The greater part of Fuentes’ blood bags and wandered back into the cooling chamber.

Austria’s Association is stunned

such A gigantic cover-up of a high point, with the help of constructed references to a (at the time, the lack of) Anti-Doping law, is likely to be in the current case, but due to the now clear in the Law in Germany and Austria, hardly repeatable.

On Thursday, the majority of the detainees were interrogated intensively: Schmidt and one of his accomplices in Munich, Innsbruck prison, the long-running quintet Hauke, Dominik Baldauf (both Austria), Karel Tammjarv, Andreas Veerpalu (both Estonia), as well as the Kazakh Alexey Poltoranin. Two more in Seefeld arrested German, which are included in the network, Schmidt’s father and an assistant, to be transferred shortly to the Munich-based Doping-emphasis public Prosecutor’s office. The German authority will deal with the doping network, which is regarded as an organized crime and therefore in a “higher penalties” (Csefan); the offences of the five cross-country skiers will fall in Austrian jurisdiction.

Austria’s Association is stunned

In justice circles, something big is brewing – and in organized sports, the nervousness is palpable. The Austrian ski Federation, under its two decades of ruling grandees Peter Schrock needle (President) and Klaus Leistner (Secretary-General) is, as always, stunned; matter-of-factly, it disclaims any responsibility. The ASF separates now to the end of the season by Markus Gandler, who wants to know about as a long – running and biathlon-in-chief, Yes, never repeated massive doping activities in his area of responsibility. But otherwise the affair-hardened leadership will continue locking your rate.

“The ASF is a flagship Association in the Doping prevention”ÖSV-notification to the doping scandal

On Thursday she sent a message in which the own fraud is bathed in radiant light, and culminates in an original conclusion: “The ÖSV is a flagship Association in the Doping prevention”. And, Yes, even the environment of the athletes in the various Preventive and protective measures involved. As this is close to self-certificate move on cabaret, now shows the specific environment of the blood doping gas station in Seefeld: it was conveniently right next to the ÖSV-quarters.

A certain amount of shock is also in the second centre of the quake in Germany. While Nada Board member Lars Mortsiefer assured the authorities of any cooperation and is based on the assumption that “this case will draw further circles, even in other sports,” complained Alfons Hörmann, head of the German Olympic sports Confederation (DOSB), especially the usual “shadow on the entire Sport”. And the Berlin policy was discussed once more tightening laws. As far as the Sport is removed, be the problem of Fraud is also beginning to Shine through, is likely to be meanwhile soon in Seefeld: One of the five detainees, the long-runner, which was already subject to the access to a world of doping control. It will probably be negative.

As always. (

Created: 01.03.2019, 11:27 PM