“After the success of Frida Karlsson hailed in Norway”
“Norwegian damlandslagstränaren Ole Morten Iversen tribute to the Swedish ski association’s handling of Frida’s talent.”
“– We love the fearless and young skaters like Frida, ” says Ole Morten Iversen, the father of Norwegian star Emil Iversen. “
“Frida Karlsson made a success in his first world CUP race as a senior and was best when she drove into fifth in Saturday’s skiathlon. Ahead of Tuesday’s 10 km classic hailed her in Norway.”
” The big challenge for Sweden is that they don’t have as many riders that can compete for placements in the top-10. It, therefore, had been tempting (for them) to unleash her in the past. I think they made it sensible, ” he says.n19-year-old Karlsson has scored major accolades internationally since she finished fifth in his world CUP debut, the 15-kilometer skiathlon, in the last week.nJuniorvärldsmästaren världscupdebuterade first of the week before the championships in Seefeld.n– We love the fearless and young skaters like Frida, we may hope that it will arrive at some in Norway in the future, ” says Ole Morten Iversen, the father of Emil Iversen, who last Sunday took the world CHAMPIONSHIP gold in sprintstafett.nTillsammans with Charlotte Kalla, Ebba Andersson and Ida Ingemarsdotter pose Karlsson the Swedish team in the afternoon’s 10 km classic.”
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