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Atletico and Barcelona face-up on the table, and watch the Sevilla leader. The one and the other were the stars of the Saturday, a party with more packaging tactical and environmental game. Very different from the expectations of the roster of players scattered on the field and the established prices: the triple than usual. It was a quote for coaches. Diego Pablo Simeone and Ernesto Valverde exposed most of their fears to lose their ambition for having given a blow of authority in the championship. Barcelona had the opportunity to strengthen their leadership and put more distance with the Madrid. Atletico wasted the chance of dressing up as a leader, something not achieved since the eighth day of the season 2016-17.

The result of both rigor tactical and much caution was the party with fewer shots (11) in everything that goes championship. Those matches between atletico and barca who used to be a bacchanal of goals and played to two goals have gone down in history since Simeone landed on the bench in madrid in December 2011.

MORE INFORMATION The Seville is the leader Simeone: “I liked all my team,” The symptom Dembélé Toast for a draw

Atletico stayed with the club in three shots, only one of them between the three poles, the head butt with which Diego Costa finiquitó their drought of 18 league games without scoring. From may 2015, in a match against Granada was held in the Vicente Calderón (0-0), did not stay in that recorded as poor.

Maksibet The Barcelona finished off eight times, three of them on goal. The thoughtful plan defensive Simeone reduced to half the number of shots of the club, which averages 17 per game. If Messi was caged, Luis Suarez, also very guarded in that defence aid devised by the Cholo, it was without trying to Oblak.

Atletico is sure not to leave defeated with one of those games “well thought”, as you like to describe to Diego Pablo Simeone. His team ran one of those duels in that there is no defensive move that is not measured and squared. During the week, the argentine coach is desgañitó explaining to their players to each defensive move to give according to the position of the ball and its holder. She was concerned about the inner game of Barca and devoted himself to taponarlo piling players for the center.

If the athlete is pertrechó in its domain, the spaces in the field itself through countless assists, the Barcelona Valverde did it by securing the ball and blindándose in the middle to avoid the cons with a cuatrivote (Busquets, Sergi Roberto, Arthur, Arturo Vidal), a term which seemed to him to be forbidden. Barca gave 755 passes with a 91% of success. During many phases of the match, the team of Valverde conveyed the feeling that the cadenaje from foot to foot with the ball, which they executed their players was more focused on not losing the ball to try to hurt you.

For their part, Atletico ran 251 passes, with 81% of success. The slogan was not only to give the ball to Barca, also not arriesgarla playing through the middle. The circuits of the ball were almost always on the sides in the areas of risk. In that sense, the anger of Griezmann Rodrigo was very significant after a loss of this mediated the second time. The star of French and third team captain, said the midfielder to the fans down to the front area to berate his attempt to play vertically in the center. Griezmann, a single auction, and erected in standard-bearer of the style Simeone, did the same thing when the losses were of Saul, Lemar or Koke. Also it has been seen that attitude when heavy weights as Godin also commit that kind of errors.