A man ran panic-stricken in zig-zags across the road and tried to stop cars on Rungsted Strandvej Saturday around at 18 o’clock.
When he reached the Birgitte Brogaards silver grey car, tore the door up.
Give me your car. There is one that just died. We must have him at the hospital, he cried out, and rev is also the back door up, so her dogs stepped out.
At the time had no idea that Birgitte Brogaard not, that a man had been shot and killed, and four others were severely injured in something, the police believe, is a bandeopgør. The deceased was 20 years old, while the wounded are between the ages of 20-27 year, according to the north Zealand Police.
There must be representations in the grundlovsforhør later in the day.
Birgitte Brogaard is shocked, after she and a friend suddenly ended up in the middle of a crime scene. Private
– He seems quite up and running. He is the immigrant and seems like such a bandetype. And I have seen so many movies and series, that I immediately believe that he will take the gun up and threaten us, because he will have my car, she says.
She did not hear the shooting, but it has happened around the clock 18.03, and she can see on his phone that she is calling to 112 at 18.04.
a man in A satanic cult, who held the farther, turned about and kept in and said that she should not give him his car.
Then ran the frantic man back, and she’s got gathered his dogs together and drove away.
the Police were massively present in the area after the shooting. Photo: Kenneth Meyer
Birgitte Brogaard told police that she had not seen the actual shooting, but that they had been approached by one of them afterwards. Therefore, said the police, that they should be there, so they could be questioned.
– We stayed there almost an hour and could see that they came with dogs and bulletproof vests, with guns. And later there also came the anger of relatives who went under the barrier into the scene of the crime. We felt not really comfortable to sit there, if that would happen more, she says.
While they kept there went the gravity really up to them.
We kept, so we could see clearly two people on earth, and there were people up there who shouted and screamed, and there were also some who cried, ” she says, and tells us that they had not heard the shots.
We drove right into everything that happened. We came a few seconds after the shots had been given, and they had just started to jump out of the cars, she says.
– first We thought that it was an accident, because we could see further along, there were two cars that were run together, says the young woman, who has had a night with many thoughts.
– I have really been shocked. It is not just what you expect, when you’ve just come home from holiday in Egypt to work with the street dogs, says Birgitte Brogaard.
She and her friend were just out and run a fab trip to see Carsten and Janni Rees house and end the tour at The Castle to go with the dogs.
Just before they came to the scene of the crime, they had noticed two black and a white van, where there was a lot of immigrants around wearing the same kind of dark gray jerseys. However, it is unknown whether they have anything to do with the case.
14 men aged 20-32 years are arrested after the shooting. Their connection to the shooting is still uncertain, and it is the police investigating.
According to Ekstra information will, however, be representations in the matter in the course of Sunday.
the 112 – 7. apr. 2019 – at. 00:11 Random café-meeting led to the shot
It was, according to the Ekstra information, a chance meeting between two rival bandegrupperinger at a café next to the water in Rungsted north of copenhagen, which led to the gunfire on Saturday night killed one young man and injured four on Rungsted Strandvej.
the Meeting between the two groups led, according to the Ekstra information in the first instance to the scuffle. At a time was retrieved the weapon, and there was next made shot.
The two groupings are according to Ekstra information from, respectively, Nivå and Kokkedal.
Both have previously been part of the now-banned gang Loyal to Familia (LTF), but figures from Guatemala-the grouping selected at a time to search over the were full members of the Hell’s Angels.