the Current contract expires after the season.
” We are prepared to forgo money in a central contract and has spoken with several of our largest partners along with them to work out an alternative solution. It may be a deal to say no to gambling money? The whole world is moving towards sustainability and all strong brands, is going in that direction and also, therefore, their sponsorship, ” says Cahling to DI.
spelmissbruket large in the region, and hockey is a new way for young people to start playing.
the Game goes straight against what we stand for.
OS-guldmedaljörerna Charlotte Kalla, cross-country skiing, and Hanna Öberg, biathlon, have previously told that they declined to do the advertising for gaming companies. Sarah Sjöström, swimming, however, is one of the front men for a.
Johan Croneman: Persbrandt seems shit in all – except for the cash