“Swedish national team”

“Ended in the national team – but this is Rikard Grip of the covenant, the choice”

“Rikard Grip has stopped landslagschef for the national team.”

“But he will continue as the Swedish ski association’s representative in the Fis världscupskommitté and go on the spring meeting in may.”

“– It may be in one, three or five years, ” says Rikard Grip.”

“a week ago announced Rikard Grip, which has been available in the Swedish national team for ten years, he stops.”

“During Wednesday presented his replacement: Jonas Peterson from Borås.”

“But if skidlandslagets new landslagschef want to run a query against the International ski federation (Fis) shall he turn to their representatives.”

“– So it is now, ” says Rikard Grip.”

“Grip the left with its place in the Fis”

“The outgoing landslagschefen is the Swedish ski association’s representative to the International ski association’s (Fis) världscupskommitté.”

“And where he left for a while.”

“– No one can take my place until next year. Or this: someone else may take my place, but they get no voting rights. The right to vote is not Swedish, but personal, and you can only change the year as it is the congress then chooses the next mästerskapsort, ” says Rikard Grip.”

“When Sportbladet asked Jonas Peterson if he should go at the spring meeting of the Fis he shook his head. There goes, among others, Rikard Grip.”

“– I have booked a ticket to Dubrovnik in may, confirming the Grip.”

“And you ski association’s actions when you are there?”

“– Yes, I do. Absolutely. We have a pre-meeting before the congress, Johan (Sares, längdchef of the covenant). We are the more that sits in several committees.”

“In connection with Rikard Grip, the termination became official was coupled he together with Norway, the Norwegian ski federation, looking for a new landslagschef. Rikard Grip has not received any tenders from other nations.”

” I for no discussions with other countries. And it’s nobody heard of. Norway has not heard of, nor despite the fact that I’ve stopped, ” he says.”

“If he were to continue his career in landslagsverksamheten of another nation, he can not continue to be Sweden’s representative in the Fis.”

“– It would be tricky I think. But it is not even in the news today.”

“He would be willing to continue with the mission as Sweden’s participants in the committee even if he is betting on a civilian career.”

“– It’s about what I do in the future, how it lends itself, he says.”

“During the spring Fis meeting in Croatia at the end of may will världscupskommitténs the focus to be on the tävlingsschemat, the prize money and how you can strengthen the smaller nations.”