167. It is the number we must beat if we are to put the record low for the number of fatalities in the course of one year.

The most recent record was set in 2012, and since it is not able to lower the number further. This year, however, we are apparently well on the way. In the year’s first 10 months, the 133 lives lost in traffic, and it is according to the bilistorganisationen FDM 10 percent below the level in 2017.

the FDM predicts, therefore, that we – if the development well to the brand continues – can reach down to about 160 this year.

I managed to hunt down Death at the gate at 160, it will respond to decrease the number of deaths from just under 42 every quarter to around 40.

Although it would be unprecedented, it is still a little impressive when seen in relation to the ambition that Færdselssikkerhedskommissionen have formulated. Here is called the target of 120 road deaths in 2020, or only 30 per quarter.

If the targets to be achieved in just two years, according to FDM, which is part of the commission, together with a number of organisations and politicians, are taking stronger measures in use.

the Commission exists, among other things, to come up with suggestions on how to reduce the number of road deaths can be reduced and head of department at FDM, Torben Lund Coachman, presents also a concrete idea on the FDM’s web site.

– we Need to reach the target of 120 deaths per year, it requires a more targeted effort from Bahis the authorities and, not least, the necessary funds. You could, for example, earmark some of the 800 million kroner, which the state of the annual check from the fotovogne, to færdselssikkerhedsarbejde. It will make a difference, he says to the FDM.dk.

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Zooms out from the number of fatalities and looking at the total number of road accidents and casualties, sees the development of something different. For we are still running together in a big way, and we continue down the same track of the year, we will according to FDM see more traffic accidents in 2018 than last year.

the FDM has obtained preliminary figures from the Danish road directorate, showing that two percent more are injured in traffic in the first months, while there has been made 10 percent more dents.

– It is gratifying that the accident figures are again on the right track, but there is still a big task ahead of us. As a part of the Færdselssikkerhedskommissionen will FDM in the coming time, help to set new targets for road safety, says head of department Torben Lund, the Driver for FDM.dk.

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