Under the demanding conditions went School-runner a superrenn. She was quick in the slot and shot perfectly on location. She struck the German Laura Dahlmeier by 4.5 seconds.

Before Friday’s victory had Olsbu Røiseland three 3.-place as best individual result from the world cup. Last season she settled properly through with two silver in the OLYMPICS, but in Nove Mesto, she got the dream to stand at the very top of the podium fulfilled.

– This was a lot of fun. I started pretty early in the 2. pot, so I don’t know what it holds. Anyway I am very happy, said Olsbu Røiseland to see and added to this about what a win would mean:

” That’s what you work for, so it will mean very much for me.

Controlled the nerves

Sørlandsjenta opened in high pace. On the first shooting she took a little time, but made sure to blow down all the targets. Landscape shooting has been a challenge for Olsbu Røiseland, but on Friday she made no mistake.

At the standing shooting she four fast shots. Even if it was a part time, held a 28-year-old nerves in check and also got down the fifth and final spot.

The Norwegian skiskytterkvinnene has a 5.-place as the best result in the winter. It took Olsbu Røiseland on jaktstarten in Pokljuka.

– Raw

Tiril Eckhoff was the second best of the Norwegian. She opened with one bomskudd, while there were two new strafferunder after the second shooting. The goal was Fossum-carpet 1.03,2 minutes behind the lagvenninnen

– It was hard and a bit messy on the portrait, said Eckhoff to NRK before she hailed Olsbu Røiseland.

– It is raw by Marte. Finally she gets a win, and this means a lot for the team.

Also Thekla Brun-Lie, Ingrid Tandrevold and Synnøve Solemdal went to Friday’s sprint.

on Saturday, continuing the world cup with the hunt, while the mass start is on the Nove Mesto application little christmas eve.