“Hanna, 15, was ”hemmasittare” – go out with passing grades”

“Mother, Carola: ”never Had gone by without the school ‘”

“Max, 9, is not alone. “

“a 15-year-old Hanna did not go to school for almost a year because of mental illness – then came the turnaround. “

“– We had not been where we are today, if not the school had been so accommodating, ” says her mother Carola. “

“Aftonbladet has told you about the 9-year-old Max who has not been in school in a year. “

“I have called social services, child psychiatry services, the municipality, the school – but no one has been able to help us,” says his mother Emma.”

“Max is not alone. After the Aftonbladet article hear several parents of similar stories, where the so-called hemmasittande children. One of them is in the day 15-year-old Hanna in Linköping.”

” I really understand Max’s mother’s frustration. As a parent, you do everything in oneís power, but still feel lousy as a parent. I am so sorry, Max is so young and should not have to feel like this, ” says Carola.”

“Her daughter started to feel bad when she would start in grade six.”

“– We noticed that she began to feel worse in the summer holidays. It was depression, self harm, and she did not want to school, she just wanted to sleep. To the end, we had to carry her out to get her to go to school, ” says Carola.”

“I don’t want to live, just die””

“Hanna was feeling worse and worse and began to cut herself on the arms.”

“– It hurt in the soul, and therefore she did it. It is clear to me that I felt a concern. She said, ”I don’t want to live anymore, I just want to die”. She got to talk with a counselor at the school, but it didn’t help, ” says Carola.”

“hanna’s behavior meant that she was barely in school for almost a year. Carola was in the contact with BUP, the child and youth psychiatry, and was a driving force in that Hanna would be investigated.”

” We had the help of the so-called mellanvården BUP that could be support with what Anna thought was the hardest; it’s social, like to ride the bus to school or during breaks at school. “

“When Hannah started at the high school in Linköping, came the turnaround. She came to a school that was more accommodating and saw to her needs. “

“– After the autumn in the seventh grade dippade she was completely again and then did the school have a new plan for her, they took it step by step. Their focus was not primarily on the requirements without getting Hanna to want to be in school, ” says Carola.”

“When Hanna went in eighth grade employee of the school a elevcoach, which resulted in that she went from not having any qualifying score in the seventh grade to the three approved for the next year. “

“– It was invaluable with a companion resource and Hanna is now going out of ninth grade with eight qualifying score which means that she is eligible to apply to the high school. The coach is there for her and other students with difficulties when they need help, ” says Carola.”

“”the School has a lot to learn””

“today, Hanna has a autismdiagnos and feel better. Carola believe that a great responsibility lies on the school. “

“– We had not been where we are today, if not the school had been so accommodating and worked with us. Many schools have a lot to learn. I think all schools should have a elevcoach, a lead person on children with difficulties. In our case, has the person done that our daughter has gained self-confidence to cope with school.”

“Hanna is now hoping to get in on the child – and recreation program in high school. “

” I have been very proactive and stubborn but parents can’t handle this situation themselves, without the need one hundred percent support from the school, says mom Carol.”

“Footnote: Hanna really called something else.”