At Østjysk the Arms trade you can now as an 18 year old or older go down and buy yourself a pepper spray. It is due to a new law, which entered into force on 1. January. A law which has divided the waters, and which is also being looked at with skeptical eyes at the security officer in the store in Hedensted.

– Personally, I think that it is too bad. I’m really afraid that it can be abused. It is indeed a weapon and must be handled as a weapon, says Knud Nielsen, manager at Østjysk the Arms trade.

– However, when it is said, I can easily see that it is a security for among other things older people who maybe are afraid to be exposed to hjemmerøverier.

Pebersprayen can be purchased at several dealers around Denmark. This requires that you have permission to sell weapons, before one can sell pepper spray. Photo: Anders Brohus

At Østjysk the Arms trade, it has been possible to buy the spray since Friday, and when the Extra Leaf is visiting the store on Saturday morning, has been sold five pieces, of which several of them were for people who solely came to pick up a pepper spray.

– in fact, It has been very typical of women my age that have requested the here spray, says Knud Nielsen.

pepper spray provides no lasting harm, but do incredible evil. People who have tried, describes it as being unbearable. Photo: Anders Brohus

What happens when you use pepper spray?

pepper spray, also called OC (Oleoresin Capsicum). has been used by the police in Denmark since 1. January 2008

the Spray contains a very strong concentration of chili. A can of pepper spray contains about two million Scoville Heat units. A strong, thai law contains typically 50 to 200

To apply the spray by spraying it against a person’s face from six to seven meters distance

the Spray causes acute pain in the eyes and on the skin, lacrimation and floats from the nose, difficulty in breathing, discomfort as well as involuntary flashing or closing of the eyes

the Impact of the pepper spray wears off in a matter of hours and leaves no permanent injury

Water reduces or eliminates the general effect quickly

At Østjysk the Arms trade, it is important for Knud Nielsen, that employees clearly aware of how the spray must be handled, every time they sell one. Therefore, he has also made a slip, which is listed, what they need to remember to say.

– Which says, among other things, that it may only be used in a private home, it should be stored securely and safely, and if it is used in public areas, the fine is a minimum of 3000 crowns.

When you våbenbutik must have permission to sell the spray, apply the same rules as other firearms.

– First and foremost, you have permission to sell weapons. What we have here, so that we can get pebersprayen check, we must have an import permit from the police to that we have to import the spray from a particular dealer. The whole thing has been dealt with, as it was for example a shotgun.

And if you are so unfortunate to have pepper spray on you, Knud Nielsen only a good advice:

– The only thing you can do is to use water, water and water.

opinions are divided on the new controversial pepper spray. Government contacts, the Danish people’s Party, has for several years worked for that pepper spray should be made legal in Denmark.

– I think it is sensible that if one is attempted rape, have of course the opportunity to pacify the perpetrators who will do one harm. It is completely reasonable, said Peter Kofod, who is the spokesman for the party, for TV2.

In the opposite roughly you will find president Claus Oxfeldt, the over for the DR to suggest that pepper spray is a weapon that requires training to use.

– It is not just to hit a perpetrator, which is not typical. To hit him in the eye requires no training. It also requires that you know what to do, when and if you have the hit in question, says Claus Oxfeldt.

Police officers will get three hours of training in the use of pepper spray. But the new våbenregler makes no requirements for the training of private. It can according to Oxfeldt end badly.

– There is a risk that it becomes an escalation. An escalation of violence, and that we can stand in some situations with some injured, being maimed more than they otherwise would be, says politiformanden.

What to say to hunters?

Such a Saturday morning is many hunters have come to shop in the store in Hedensted. If you ask them what they think about the new law, the answers are slightly mixed.

– Law I have, as such, did not mind, but I think it is really good that you are only allowed to use it at home. The more weapons on the street, the worse.

– I could not even find to buy one. In fact, not at all. I can’t see what I need it to.

Photo: Anders Brohus

– I was not aware that it had been lawful. It is not at all something I have thought about whether I would have – I think it’s not really that I want to. I might be a little afraid that it is being abused outside of the home.

Photo: Anders Brohus

– I think it is fine that it has been legal. And I also think that it is really fine that you can only use it within a home’s four walls. It is great for the elderly who perhaps are uncomfortable when they are alone in their home.

– however, I could not find to buy one myself. My daughter is 18, and I know that she does not have interest in having one.

Photo: Anders Brohus

– I think it is a fine law, but it must not be abused. However, I think it is bloody stupid that you are not allowed to use it for self-defense outside the home. It is, of course, most of the assault happening.

– I’m not just going to buy one myself, but when my kids get big enough and need to run in the city, I might well find to buy one for them.

Photo: Anders Brohus