Still, the views of the countryside. Slowly, the curtain of clouds and rain descends. Roman Josi keeps the Hotel “Golf panorama” in Lipperswil in short the cap. The golfing have gotten the best of him recently, he told on Thursday after lunch. “But here, I will hardly have time for it – at the most this afternoon.”

The 28-year-old professional hockey player has not traveled to play Golf in the Eastern part of Switzerland. On Tuesday evening he landed in Zurich and met for the last world Cup-preparation week for the national team earlier than expected, and for him: earlier than hoped for. The defender failed with Nashville in the NHL playoffs in the first round to Dallas.

The team hotel of the Swiss in Lipperswil may be a nice band-aid. However, panoramic or not: For Josi, it is more of a consolation. “Nei, sure nid!”, the Berner says. And shakes his head. “These are two different things. I want to win the Stanley Cup, that’s my big goal, and not a secret. It is disappointing, it will not work again this year. But I am also extremely at the time with the national team.”

After one season with Nashville, the defenders especially, question mark, left behind, would like to Josi his season at the world Cup with an exclamation point finish. The Predators played without Konstanz, revealed in the majority of the game, any glaring weaknesses. “The Playoff was the spitting image of the season: a steady up and down, and on the Powerplay, we brought nothing. No idea why worked the never,” says Josi. “As a Leader and Captain you don’t take it personally, if your Team runs.”

cool memories

The disappointment he has left in Nashville. To the baggage of anticipation came. “With the national team, I joined extremely cool memories.”

With 18 years of age denied the defender from Ostermundigen his first A-world Cup – just in his home in Bern (2009). Everything is new, everything is impressive, “extremely impressive”, as he put it, Josi, “and to play against the NHL Stars, on this level, with this mood, in this hall, I will never forget.”

Long also Josi carries the label of the NHL Stars. He is an exemplary product of the Swiss hockey : educated in the home country, the breakthrough in the local League managed to matured Overseas, one of the world’s best defenders, free of airs and graces, full of the joy of playing and play at any time willing for the national team.

“These opportunities you will need to use”

Since the Premiere of Bern Josi of nine world Cup has missed the tournament only three of them. He was self 2014 in Minsk, as the majority of the best players felt three months after the Olympia, not in the mood, the Coach Sean Simpson vagina to prepare a positive farewell. When Silbercoup in 2013, Josi was voted the most valuable player of the tournament. In the previous year, he played in the world Cup Final against Sweden with a broken metacarpal bone.

“A football career is short. According to little chance you’ll get to play for your country. For me, the question is never whether or not I want to play for Switzerland or not. I’m healthy, I’m all for it,” says Josi, while his former Berner team-mate Tristan Scherwey approaches. “And you’ll get the Chance to play with players like Scherwey, you need to use it.”

He makes the Team better

With his relaxed manner, Josi fit into the Team. He is not as hockey players better than others, but as someone Better. But most of all he makes of the Swiss national team is better – with its playful qualities, his serenity, his self-confidence.

Two silver medals, the defender has already. The large goal must therefore be for the world title, says Josi, in addition, have nothing to do with Arrogance, but with a healthy self-confidence. “We know exactly how difficult and far the way to go.”

marriage and negotiation

Whether with or without a medal the promise of the next weeks and months for the Bernese Exciting. Starting in July, he is allowed to negotiate officially with Nashville. Next spring will be running, with 28 million dollars doped Seven-year contract. The next contract will include a much higher wage volume. “Before my last signature I had not played 100 NHL games, and with injuries fought. It was a great contract for me. But now the situation is different.”

Josi, meanwhile, in 634 NHL games arrived, says it’s no secret that it may please him in Nashville very well. “On a sporting level we have made great progress. I like the organization, the city.” Recently separated the Berner by his agent Roly Thompson and George Müller.

he is with Matthews’ agent

Now Judd Moldaver represents the rights of the player; the Agent, who has negotiated recently for Auston Matthews in Toronto, an extension to five years and $ 58 million. In the next season, only Edmonton’s Connor McDavid deserves to be in the NHL more than the former striker of the ZSC Lions.

Josi is not talking about sums of money. “If you feel a place, is the length of the contract is extremely important.” In Nashville, the ice hockey Pro has found private happiness. In July, he is getting married to girlfriend Ellie Ottaway. Children are not an issue, says Josi, laughs and reaches for the hat. “Not In A Hurry. Ellie is younger than I am.”

The view searches Stop at the window. Outside the curtain, the theme of Golf, therefore, from the table. (

Created: 05.05.2019, 08:17 PM