“Lagkamraterna lyrical: ”do not Indulge Stina really””

“In the day came the positive news that Stina Nilsson go to Austria this weekend and is aiming to run the sprint in the world CUP.”

“Now hailed she of the Swedish national team.”

” I think really her, says listed Frida Karlsson to Sportbladet. “

“Stina Nilsson injured thigh when she fell at the finish in the semi-finals in the world cup in Otepää. She interrupted the contest and received emergency treatment. Since then, it has been unclear about her participation in the world CUP. “

“But now comes the positive news. “

“Landslagsläkaren Magnus Oscarsson writes in a press release Stina Nilsson’s injury heals well and that the tests they have done have given good results. “

“– the Ambition is that she should be able to ride the sprint at the world CHAMPIONSHIPS, writes Kelly. “

“Now she gets support from her teammates and the entire Swedish ski team who believe that Stina Nilsson is one of the largest medaljchanserna. “

” Very and extremely good for her and for the team. It is very gratifying for us to be able to present her to the world CUP. If all goes well, so she is with the start next Thursday, ” says landslagschefen Rikard Grip to Sportbladet. “

“Not so easy to win a gold medal”

“Listed Frida Karlsson is the lyrics of Stina Nilsson’s comeback. But at the same time, she asks not to put too much pressure because she has just come back from a tough injury. “

“– It is great fun, I treat her really it. Actually it is not so easy to go and win a gold medal, as many others believe. She may do their best so we get to see quite easily, ” says 19-year-old. “

“Maja Dahlqvist fill in:”

“– Great fun for her, and especially considering that her rehabilitation went so fast as it did, ” she says. “

“✓ Ski world CUP takes place in Seefeld in Tirol, Austria February 19–march 3.”

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