“Leksand won – after Morastjärnans matchstraff”

“Leksand beat Mora with a 4-3 win and took another step towards the SHL.”

“When the cheering was most deafening inside the Tegera Arena was Anton Karlsson ironic in segerintervjun.”

“– you will borrow the ”Ritos” hearing aid? I hear not so much, ” he said to the TV12.”

“It was 1-0 in the finals to Leksand to Mora in the direktkvalet to SHL. In round two of ”Battle of the lake”, came the law heltända – or possibly övertända.”

“27 seconds into the match gruffades both teams in the middle zone. Andrew Rowe stepped in front of Martin Karlsson from the so-called blind side, and squeezed. Tacklingen looked to take to the shoulder but was evaluated as a huvudtackling and gave matchstraff.”

“Ritola gave Leksand management”

“In the following powerplayet did Leksand goals directly. Linus Persson slid behind the extended goal line and found up to Mattias Ritola, who set 1-0-the puck high.”

“In the first periodpausen scented Mora Mathias Bromé their feelings matchstraffet.”

” I like most that it is strange that you get to roll it on the olympics. Then so are the judges up there. Yesterday was a situation in Malmö, then looked up at the olympics, but apparently the check. What is the level? What should we have in the Swedish hockey? says Bromé to C More.”

“Mora, general manager Anders Forsberg was disappointed at the judges afterwards. “

“– They do wrong who judged matchstraff. It was not five minutes on the Rowe. But they have been wrong in the past also. Now we can just go ahead and focus on the next match, ” says Forsberg.”

“In the second period went Leksand up to 3-0 (goals by Thomas Valkvä-Olsen and Jesper Ollas) before Mora reduced two times (Viktor Amnér and Jonathan Carlsson).”

“the Judgment was dramatically. Anton Karlsson shot 4-2 with a backhand overhead. Ryan Johnston reduced with 12 minutes left, but despite the feverish kvitteringsjakt came not Mora closer.”

“I love this village””

“the Majority of the 7 650 of the spectators screamed and tjoade after the final whistle. Anton Karlsson took it as a location to frolic with the television reporter.”

“– you will borrow the ”Ritos” hearing aid? I hear not so much, ” he said, referring to the device that Mattias Ritola has, as a result of meniere’s disease, an affliction that emanates from the inner ear and can give severe dizziness.”

“Karlsson points to the audience.”

“– It is just to listen. It is the atmosphere. Harmony. I love this village, these fans. But we have not won anything yet, it’s first to four.”

“Leksand leads with 2-0 in matches in the best-of-seven. The next round is played on Monday.”

“First period: 1-0 (0.58) Mattias Ritola (Linus Persson, Johan Porsberger) game five against four.nAndra period: 2-0 (4.32) Thomas Valkvae–Olsen penalty, 3-0 (9.26) Jesper Ollas (Jon Knuts), 3-1 (11.02) Viktor Amnér (Michael Haga, Matt Bailey), 3-2 (16.03) Jonathan Carlsson (Spencer Abbott, Matt Bailey).nTredje period: 4-2 (3.37) Anton Karlsson (David Rundqvist, Lucas Nordsäter), 4-3 (7.40) Ryan Johnston (Adam Masuhr, Matt Bailey).nSkott: 36-24 (15-7, 14-8, 7-9).nUtv, Leksand: 9×2. Mora: 8×2, 1×5, 2 matchstraff.nDomare: Patric Bjälkander, Göteborg, sweden and Richard Magnusson, Tranås.nPublik: 7 650.”

“Leksand leads with 2-0 in matches.”