The alleged fraud in the national board of social services should be discovered much earlier.

It says the children’s and social security Mai Mercado (K), as of Thursday, standing in front of an open consultation in Social, Domestic and Børneudvalget.

– It is inconceivable that an employee, through so many years could commit fraud, began the minister.

the Minister shall, among other things to explain, about the fraud with the scheme could have been avoided if the ministry had followed up on the criticisms, as The auditor general and the public accounts committee has given in this area through the years.

the Criticism came in parallel as Britta Nielsen, in the following charges svindlede for a minimum of 111 million dollars from his former workplace the national board of social services.

– I note that The auditor general has put his finger on the factors that may have given the former employee the opportunity to commit embezzlement – and it is my clear opinion that it ought to be detected earlier, says Mai Mercado.

Mai Mercado, however, would not respond directly to whether the fraud could have been avoided, but:

– How underslæbet exactly has occurred, the external studies give answers on, tell Mai Mercado.

the Danish policy – 18. oct. 2018 – at. 14:29 Britta Nielsen got a written warning in 2000

Mercado regard to an audit examination, carried out by PwC.

the Investigation must clarify what has happened and how it could happen.

in Addition, there is also a legal inquiry conducted by the Attorney general. The aim of the study is to get an assessment of, whether there can be placed a responsibility.

The criticism

On the basis of a case of alleged fraud with grant funds in the social sector has The auditor general reviewed the audit, which is carried out in the period 2002-2017. Årsrevisionen be reported in an annual report to the public accounts committee on the audit of the accounts. The auditor general also reports other observations from the audits directly to the management of the audited entity. Office of the auditor general report in addition, the larger studies in separate reports.

the Review of the revisions in the social policy area in the period 2002-2017 shows that the Office of the auditor general in several cases, have had remarks to the administration of the grant funds. It is bl.a. comments on written procedures, follow-up on beneficiaries ‘ accounts and reports, verification of payments, accounting of commitments and receivables as well as the administration of user rights to the tilskudsadministrative system. Several of the comments yesterday again over the years. The comments are reported in the reports to the public accounts committee on the audit of public accounts, reports to management and in special reports to the public accounts committee.

When the case of suspected fraud has been fully elucidated, and there is a statement from the Children’s and the Ministry of social affairs, the national audit Office to assess whether there are special circumstances, which the national audit Office going forward should be more aware of in the audit of the grant funds. The auditor general will brief the public accounts committee thereon, on a statsrevisormøde the beginning of 2019. The auditor general shall draw attention to the interests of the police investigation can be information that can not be reproduced.