When Petter Northug now add a fantastic skikarriere behind him, stands the options open to him in the time coming.

Even says Northug that he wants to use the time ahead to make a decision for what he wants to accomplish.

It is a bit the same question that buzzes around in my head. You are a little excited about what can happen and what you really want to, the possibilities are so many. I, therefore, think it is okay to spend a little time before you jump into anything, to think well about what you want to do, and it should at least I do, told Northug press.

Has invested in real estate

One thing is the pending and impending job in the TV 2, but Northug has painstakingly invested the millions he has earned on the skigåinga in other projects also.

First and foremost, Petter Northug invested in real estate.

Through the company Petter Northug Holding AS Northug invested in several real estate companies in the county. Northug owns one hundred percent of the shares in its private holding company, and had a profit before tax of nearly 12 million in 2017.

It is the papa John Northug who is the managing director of the holding company, and also he has prepared the ground for property development on home soil.

In 2007, Northug through a private reguleringsforslag to Inderøy municipality to get make a gigantic cottage in a hillside on his property that slopes down towards the Beitstadfjorden, just north of Trondheim.

eight years ago, Northug permission to build a 45 cabins. Now start the project

There, with views of the idyllic Giplingøya, John planned to build 45 cabins. All will have view of the fjord and access to a private jetty down by the sea.

So far none of these cabins have been built, but the opportunity is there for eldstesønnen Petter if he now wants to go into property development.

– the Guys have announced interest to have the farm on. Nothing is decided yet, but then at least this place as an opportunity for the next generation to develop further, said John Northug to Dagbladet when we talked about eiendomsprosjektet on the farm three years ago.

Since that time have also thought of working full-time with the property matured in Petter itself.

– It may well be that peter will be with and put their mark on the cityscape of Trondheim, norway. Petter is in a fortunate situation, because he can use the time to find out what he is really passionate about and what he will do. At the same time, it is important for Petter, as all others, to get work pretty quickly after his career is over. There are plenty of them that will get challenges when flomlysene is turned off. Then it is important to have some structure in their everyday life. There we work with, said Northugs manager Are Sørum Langås to Trønder-Newspaper earlier in the year.

When had Northug just invested in another real estate project together with one of the largest eiendomsutviklerne in Trondheim, norway, Karl Johan Kopreitan.

– We might be a kind of mentor or mentor in the subject and the business area property development. The idea is to start small. I perceive Petter as an intelligent boy who is both interested in learning and interested in what we are doing, ” said Kopreitan to Trønder-Newspaper about the collaboration with skikongen.

In addition to Kopreitan, Northug invested in real estate with several of Trøndelag’s largest investors and property developers.

In the company Fagerlia property has Northug stakes in large utleiearealer in Meråker.

Even downplaying Northug its role in eiendomsinvesteringene and displays to the business manager Terje Hallan.

No … it you must ask first and foremost Terje about, it is he that manages my money. He has at least been good the last few years. So right where we put it and what is the risk and where there are ports, there to discuss I with him, ” says Northug to the Newspaper.

PUT UP: Petter Northug met the media to talk about the future, its after it became known that he gives himself as langrennsløper. Then also came the feelings. Video: NTB and Kristoffer Løkås / Dagbladet Show more To build the brand

Through Petter Northug Holding AS is also framtidsmuligheter for Northug. The holding company has two subsidiaries, Northug AS and Barneskirenn AS. Northug AS he owns together with Hallan and manager Are Sørum Langås.

It is in the this company brand, Petter Northug will be managed when the active skikarrieren now is over. Northug confirmed at Wednesday’s press conference that he is going to work on branding her when he now put the skis on the shelf.

Northug expression that next season would be able to find products with his name in the shops and that one already this winter, could see athletes using them.

– There is more time to work with the brand when you have given you. So we get a bit of product already in place, at least in the shops, against the next season and we’ll see it in some athletes already in the winter. So it is exciting to work with, ” says Northug cryptic.

The products in question is currently unclear.

the Company Barneskirenn as, which right now is broke, can be one of the bones Northug can stand on in the future.

Petter Northug launched their own tv channel with pomp and ceremony three years ago, but since this spring there has been quite silent from Northug-screen tv.

the Reason for that is that the production company and medeieren in Barneskirenn AS, Globus media, went bankrupt in January. Thus not having Northug had someone to create the tv features to the web page of their since then.

the financial Statements of the company Barneskirenn bears the stamp of a heavy year in 2017. The operating profit is at nearly 2.4 million in the minus.

“the Board of directors in Barneskirenn AS note that the company’s share capital in its entirety is lost.”, type the company in the directors ‘ report.

” We have taken a huge extraordinary depreciation. We have been uncertain about whether or not we should continue the operation, so of the precautions we chose to nedskrive values in the company, and therefore, it looks very ugly out in the accounts also. But the actual operation of the company was totally ok, says the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of Barneskirenn AS, Terje Hallan, to Dagbladet.

I thought: “Where did he come from? And what driver is he with?” Will continue the tv betting

From 2016 to 2017, almost doubled Northug revenue of the company, and ended with revenues of over 2,4 million for 2017. Without the extraordinary impairment loss of brand and goodwill, would operation given a profit of a few hundred thousand dollars.

therefore, despite the fact that the activity on the web pages of Northug has been completely broke since april. It is also the main reason why Northug does not put the entire tv betting death.

“the Board believes it is prudent to continue the operation”, type Barneskirenn AS in a note to the financial statements. Inntektsoppsvinget shows that there is a market for Northug-screen tv.

– Yes, definitely, so we will continue it in one form or another, but exactly what it is we must be allowed to come back to, ” says Hallan to the Newspaper.

– Cirkusen as turnerat genome skidvärlden in twelve vilda years has haft his sista föreställning