The australian marsupial vombatten is not quite like other animals. For something that is completely unique in the biological world it is able to make organic squares – of its own feces.

Now think australian and american researchers that they have found, how vombatten has been given its unique ability to make square – or rather ‘cubic’ – bowel movements. It writes according to the

– In the beginning, I thought not even that it was true. I googled it and saw a lot of kubeformet vombatlort, but I was skeptical, says postdoctoral researcher Patricia Yang from Georgia Institute of Technology

She is a member of the research team, which presents the results of the scientific conference of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics 71st Annual Meeting of the u.s. state of Georgia.

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During the new study, the researchers analyzed the digestive tract of vombatter, who had been påkørt in traffic and later killed.

the Researchers discovered that vombatternes stools almost liquid, until it reached the last part of the intestinal tract, where it was to small, separate cubes.

the Key to low cubic stool to be found in the vombattens intestinal wall that has varying elasticity and pushes the stool along to its completely unique form in biologiens the world, says the researchers.

– We currently have only two ways to produce the cubes: We can cast them (with a hard mold, red.), or we can cut them out. Now we have a third method. It would be a great technique to use in the field of manufacturing production – that is, to make a cube with soft tissue instead of just casting it, ” said Patricia Yang to according to the

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And why, you might very reasonably ask, do vombatterne so square shit?

For vombatterne is shit equal, the prestige, and the higher a tower with shit, you can stack, the more likely it is that other vombatter come over.

Vombatterne have bad vision, but if the stacker stool at prominent locations, is the chance bigger that the other vombatter can see and smell it.

Why is it an advantage for vombatterne to have square crap, there are easier to stack and not just as easily rolls away.

in addition to revealing a new way to produce cubes can the new study also make us wiser on how the soft tissue in the bowel works, tells the scientists to according to the

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