this week the Senate will vote on the proposal, which president Donald Trump put forward to create a consensus between the Republicans and the Democrats.

It says the republican leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, writes the news agency Reuters.

the Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on a budget for 2019, which has led to a partial shutdown of the country’s state apparatus.

McConnell calls on its political opponents among the Democrats to support the proposal, then the entire state apparatus may again be opened.

Trump presented his proposal on Saturday evening Danish time. Here he offered a temporary protection of the so-called “dreamers” as opposed to 5.7 billion u.s. dollars, which should be used to build a wall along the border with Mexico.

Dreamers is the name for young people who have been brought illegally to the country as minors by their families.

the President will offer three-year exemption from deportation to some of the young people, which meets a number of requirements, among other things, is about education.

in Addition, the president also several border guards and judges for matters of migration.

the Republicans have a majority in the Senate, which is one of the two chambers of Congress. In the second chamber, the House of Representatives, on the other hand, Democrats have the majority.

Nancy Pelosi, who is chairman of the House of Representatives, says that the Trumps bid does not set the pace of negotiations.

on Tuesday announces she according to the news agency AP that Trump will have to re-open the state apparatus, before she will negotiate border security.

A quarter of the state apparatus has been closed since 22. december.