“Swedish football”

“run over by their own unions”

“the Battle for the elitlägret in football harden”

“Skåne, Halland and Västergötland refuse to send players to the elitlägret in football.”

“right Now, they are overruled by the Swedish football association, which goes in and opt-out players in the three districts.”

“– We ensure that the selection is complete, ” said vice-president Jörgen Eriksson.”

“Each summer, held utvecklingslägret in Halmstad, it used to be called ”elitlägret”.”

“There are districts in decades sent their best 15-year-olds and where begins the selection process for youth national teams.”

“But three fotbollsdistrikt, Skåne, Västergötland and Halland, has chosen to boycott the camp then in the summer, when they consider that the competition in such a young age is counterproductive.”

“as a result, Pia Search, now the head coach of the F15 in the team, rated players from the three bojkottande districts in its first landslagstrupp in the summer. “

“Now, the Swedish football association’s board of directors decided to drive across the three districts.”

“Copenhagen should simply go in and themselves pick out which player they think has come the furthest in the Skåne, Halland and Västergötland.”

“– We think it is very unfortunate, especially for the players, ” says Jörgen Eriksson, vice-president in Copenhagen, to svenskfotboll.see, and continues:”

“– But by the board of directors has now decided to Copenhagen takes over the selection process of the districts continued to choose to stand outside, have we ensured that all players are treated equal – that the selection is complete and that the ambitions of our spelarutbildningsplan can be completed. The hope is, of course, still distriktsförbunden to deal with this task in the future in the way it is supposed to.”

“Want to move up the camp in the age of”

“Today’s News has talked with both Skåne and Västergötland district.”

“– We think, of course, that it is wrong, it is a premature selection. We are so great covenant, and it is quite a lot of players who are selected away, says the Regionís Peter Karlsson to DN.”

“in Skåne, Claes Ohlsson to the DN:”

“– If brommapojkarna lost to pick out players in their own way, they can do it, it does not change our activities. All does not develop as fast and with an early selection risk is the risk that many of the younger players not going forward in the right way. We believe that our mission is that our players get as good education as far as up in age as it is possible.”

” We have always said that you should move the elite camps up in the age of. When the camps is set at 15 years, I think it will be too early for us. It may fit good for the smaller districts that do not have as many players, ” he says.”