“The mystery of the fireballs loose”
“Steven, 28, saw the mysterious fireball in the sky.”
“Satellites, thought rymdforskaren.”
“Now is the mystery solved – and the truth is junky.”
“Stina Svensson, 28, was on his way home from the driving school on Wednesday evening when she saw the mysterious light phenomena in the sky above Mälarhöjden outside Stockholm.”
“She described them as the fireball and said that she first saw the three, followed by three-four.”
“Rymdforskaren Eric Stempels, Uppsala university looked at stina’s mobilfilm and concluded that it can move on the satellites, which reflected the sunlight at dusk.”
“A guess as good as any. But by all accounts wrong.”
“Several readers during Thursday contacted Aftonbladet and told us that it was thai rislyktor as Stina Svensson saw.”
“I was at home in Bredäng, and saw them when they just come up in the air,” says a reader.”
“– One of them crashed right in front of our car. They saw clearly that it was thailyktor, ” says another.”
“the Lanterns were released in connection with the celebration of the Persian new year at.”
” It sounds likely. I can imagine that they move with approximately the same speed as a satellite in the sky, ” says Eric Stempels.”
“He said in Aftonbladet’s article to the Stina Svensson believed that the fireballs spun was probably her own hand movements. At one point in the movie it looks like one of the leds were dissolved and disappears, and the recognized he as the camera lost focus.”
“Now everything has got a much more natural explanation.”
“– But it is difficult to just look at a mobilfilm with poor resolution. And, you don’t know what you see in the sky, it is easy to become a little scared, ” says Eric Stempels.”
“– It has happened to me also once. I was out walking and thought I saw a lot of satellites in the sky. But it was only the stars. So the motion fooled the eye and got it to look like something that was moving.”
“Rislyktor may ago 2013 released up without permission – if they are less than 50 and not higher than 100 centimeters. They should be released within a one-mile distance from an airport needs air traffic control will be contacted in good time, says the transport agency.”