“They saw when the Titanic went under the”

“the Titanic asked in vain for help.”

“the Crew of the cargo ship Californian saw the eight nödraketerna.”

“But the captain Lord chose to go back to sleep.”

“It is, of course, no answer at hand, and no one can say if the number of fatalities had been many fewer of captain Stanley Lord acted differently.”

“it is Clear in any case that it hasn’t been a battle to this day as to whether he was right or wrong, if he immediately set course towards the Titanic, just an hour sailing from there, when the crew observed nödsignalerna.”

“the Carpathia, the ship that first arrived and took on board all the survivors, was four hours from the Titanic when they heard nödropen via radio.”

“the Californian was a british cargo ship on its way from London to Boston. Twenty over ten on the evening of april 14, ordered the captain to stop at the machines as the ship reached the edge of a field of icebergs, as he did not want to navigate through during the night.”

“Just behind him, at about the same rate, had the Titanic. Both the captain and third officer Groves took note of her green styrbordslampa 11 o’clock.”

“When Anderson later testified before the haverikommissionen he said that he twenty-twelve saw the subsequent ship red babordslanterna and assumed that the boat was also stopped for the night. It was at the same time as the Titanic entered the iceberg.”

“in 1912, there were no sjölagar which forced the ships to have radiobemanning around the clock, something that would change their minds after the Titanic’s sinking.”

“Ten minutes before the Titanic hit had Californians radiotelegrafist closed and gone to bed.”

“twelve o’clock was replaced Groves on the bridge by the second officer Stone and apprentice Gibson. They saw, individually and together, a total of eight flares, which were fired from the ship behind and informed captain Lord.”

“at the same time began the Titanic sending out distress signals over the radio for help.”

“The German ship Frankfurt, germany, and the british Carpathia responded immediately nödropen and the Carpathia, which was the closest of the two, turned towards the katastrofplatsen and increased the speed to the fastest possible rescue of the distressed.”

“the Stanley Lords of the big mistakes that would haunt him in death was that he either went up on deck to get an idea of what happened or shook life in telegrafisten Evans to call the Titanic.”

“In?instead, he abode in the cab and let the matter rest.”

“Later, during a number of interrogations, would Stanley Lord both tangled up in how ill-informed he was of his men, and doubt on to the boat they saw was really the Titanic. Both parts would excuse his handfallenhet.”

“the Second officer Stone watched the Titanic and later described how the lanterns looked strange and that they just after the two seemed to fade away.”

“First, at six o’clock in the morning were fired the radio up and running and the Californian immediately got the messages about Titanic’s sinking. The vessel put speed towards the last known position and already after 25 minutes they were so near that they saw Carpathia picking on board the last survivor. A further half an hour later, the Californian arrived at the olyckplatsen. There was no longer anything to see except the wreckage found.”

“the Carpathian with the survivors went to New York, where anxious relatives waited while the Californian continued to Boston.”

“In New York city were buzzing rumors about a mysterious ship been within sight of Titanic but not come to the rescue.”

“A passenger in lifeboat 3, Daisy Spedden, described how the boat of the men in the lifeboat rowed during the night eventually proved to be the Californian when she showed up in the morning.”

“on Board the Carpathia it also noted how close the Californian low, when it began to grow light.”

“Yet did not the captain of the Lord confess it at the first interrogation. He considered that the Californian might have been as far away as 45 kilometers from the Titanic during the night, despite the fact that his crew in their interviews stated 5-6 miles, about 8 kilometres away.”

“Captain Lord was not on trial in any way, he and part of the crew of the Californian was heard only as witnesses in both an american and a british haverikommision.”

“Despite the fact that the shipping company Leyland?&?Co supported his captain and pointed out that a commander’s first duty is to protect his ship and his crew was fired Stanley Lord.”

“He had gone to sea, just over 13 years old and was one of the youngest to bring its own command. In February 1913, he got a new job as a captain with the shipping company Lawtheru002FLatta and continued until 1927, when he because of vision problems and went ashore for good.”

“But he could never swallow that he is portrayed as cowardly, lazy or simply incompetent and 1958, when the book and the movie ”the Titanic’s destruction” (”A night to remember”) came, he asked the ice hockey team MMSA to help him clear his name, which its president Leslie Harrison continued, long after the Lords death in 1962. The book ”A Titanic myth” (1986) was Harrison’s last attempt to defend the Stanley Lord.”

“to this day battles pro-Lordister and anti-Lordister in the question of where exactly the ships were and if it was possible that they could observe each other, despite testimony from those who were on board that this was the case.”

“■ It is 99 years since the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage, on the night between 14 and 15 april. 1?495 people died when the unsinkable ship went to the bottom.”

“■ the Actual collision with the iceberg and subsequent operation have been identified through the testimony of the 712 survivors. Witnesses tell of a ship in the vicinity which never came to the rescue.”

“■ Ships closest to the Titanic, the Californian, to wait until the morning before it approached katastrofplatsen. Still today people argue different factions of the reasons for it.”