in a Daze, the woman gets. She staggers and leans forward, hesitantly, gathering her bag and her phone from the carpeted floor. Then Kareem Hunt occurs against the head.

The scene taken by a monitoring camera in the corridor of a luxury hotel in Cleveland, is already a bit older. Created in February of this year, at the end of a long night. And to the gossip portal TMZ published in early December, didn’t even Hunt, a Pro Football player for the Kansas City Chiefs that they existed. Let alone his Team, which fired him the day after.

“It is hard to pay for them”

regretted it Since then, Hunt, 23-year-old Talent on the Position of the Runningbacks. At ESPN, he says how ashamed he was. How much different his mother and his great had raised her. What a better person he was. That he could right different from wrong. And yet remains vague. When he is asked to explain his deed, he hesitates: “to be honest with you: It does not matter what happened.”

The vote is expected to: His career is already on the Brink. The multiple super bowl winner Terry Bradshaw said: “Forget his apology. When it comes to me, he’ll never play more. The young man made a huge mistake and will be hard to pay for them.” Be million contract with the Chiefs is null and void, from the popular video game “Madden NFL 19” has him removed manufacturer EA Sports immediately.

Hunt, however especially of had bad luck. The bad luck that his deed was recorded and released.

Domestic violence is widespread among players in the National Football League (NFL). In 2014, the League issued a decree to the perpetrators of violence faster suspend. 23 cases, there were up to this season, but of the 23 professionals returned 13 to the end of their lock on the box. For example, Foster Reuben: the defender of The San Francisco 49ers was arrested in February due to an attack on his girlfriend (and of the illegal possession of a weapon) and for the two games locked.

Despite renewed attack Team

found a suspended three weeks Ago, he again, now he stays for the First hit. In addition, he was dismissed, but found a Team that has employed him, despite the allegations of the case, they should be in a process rebutted: that from Washington. The tough-as-nails defender Greg Hardy had once been locked and released, and was immediately a team, the Dallas Cowboys. The Parallels in the cases of Foster and Hardy: There was no video evidence.

Hunt is more likely that it is the fate of Ray Rice. After the 2014 recordings appeared, such as the professional of the Baltimore Ravens, a woman with a left hook knocked unconscious, had been beaten, he was done. The NFL continued to be mentioned in the decree for domestic violence in the force and since then, more sensitive. Not least for fear of further damage to its image. And in the case of Rice its role was significant: First of all, it had blocked the running back for only two games after the release of the Videos for a lifetime.

In other areas of the League and its protagonists, the Clubs, less squeamish. So Quarterback Colin Kaepernick has denied two years ago, his last game and has since been passed over on a regular basis, even if a Team desperately needs a new playmaker. This, although for him the experts some more potential for the dam as the majority of the 100 or so Quarterbacks in the League.

gesture during the national anthem, with consequences

Kaepernicks Offense: In his time with the 49ers, he dared not to insist on his right to freedom of expression. To take on police violence against the black population and “racial profiling”, he went on his knees during the national anthem before Games. Numerous professionals have joined him, and wide circles of the population in the United States to stand behind him.

it Was even insulted by Trump: Colin Kaepernick must be Kneeling. (image: Michael Zagaris)

In the stadiums are white, 83 percent of the Fans but also the team owners, it has no African-Americans – and the further South and the more conservative the area the more popular Football. There, Kaepernick is used in many places as an enemy, while you worship Pat Tillman. The defender, skin color white, had his NFL career after the September 11 attacks. September 2001, to draw for the U.S. military in the war. He fell in 2004 in Afghanistan.

the protesters were professional, also the President of the United States, let them “sons of Bitches” rant and his Vice-President out of the stadium of Indianapolis pull off, as the players knelt in front of his eyes. He tilled the Narrative that Kaepernick and colleagues spotted the flag, and thus the US troops. Many war veterans organizations, however, behind Kaepernick.

Nike continued to Kaepernick – yet in vain

Also, sporting goods giant Nike has made the 31-Year-old last summer at the head of a advertising campaign, but that didn’t change the fact that the road to the Superbowl-participant of 2013 remained back in the NFL closed. As little success had been a hard action for exclusion.

to access The football team from Washington, did not hesitate in the case of violent offenders, Foster,, had to recently replace his injured Quarterback. Kaepernick had been considered, said head coach Jay Gruden, but you have to for the complicated Playbook, not game-makers from outside commit. Instead, he engaged with Mark Sanchez a playmaker from outside. (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 10.12.2018, 15:02 PM