“”We thought you would stay with us””

“Sara Algotsson Ostholt confirms: Even the other horse dead?”

“Sara Algotsson Ostholt trailer caught fire on the way from a contest in Poland. “

“Now announcing the Swedish language to both the horses in the carriage, now deceased. “

“It was in the beginning of may, Sara Algotsson Ostholts trailer caught fire on the A1 highway near the town of Nowe Marzy. In the vehicle were two racehorses, Chacco’s Crack, which died immediately and Apertina which to begin. “

“Sara herself, and her son Eric and hästskötaren Roberto Scherneck, survived unharmed.”

“”Health Chacco from us””

“Now announcing Algotsson Ostholt that even Apertina died of his injuries. “

“”Rest in peace dear Peggy. You fought so hard and we thought that you would stay with us a few years to! I’m so sorry, you were such a nice horse with so much potential. Health Chacco from us,” writes the 44-year-old on Instagram. “

“On 8 may described Algotsson Ostholt itself the accident site Hippson:”

“”Everything went incredibly quickly. We refueled at 04.20 and then it was all good with the horses and it was quiet everywhere. After running in the 15 minutes I look in the rear view mirror that a thick smoke bolmar out from the tailgate on the truck. I stop directly in the hard shoulder on the highway and Roberto rushes out and down the rear ramp. Smoke and fire pouring out, and he manages to half off the horse, who stood at the back. She wears loose and comes out of its halter. Then horse number two is already in flames. We are trying to get up the partition, but everything is in flames and the flames turn against us. We did not succeed in saving the other horse’s life. Roberto runs and get Eric out of the truck”.”

“Sara Algotsson Ostholt took the OLYMPIC silver medal in eventing in London 2012.”