TWO DAYS BEFORE cup final encouraged this column Rosenborg to speak with Geir Bakke. The following week, specifically on Thursday 6. December, got the Cardiff one at the crack of dawn request (kl. 07.10) from Ste.

the Answer was no, without George Hill would like to deepen it.

He has, as he says, other things to think about, among other things, a very crucial Europa League game against Genk on Thursday evening.

the Storm in the vannglasset is according to Sarpsborg coach big enough as it is

The worst RBK-result page before Nils Arne Eggen – Koteng and RBK-the board must go!!!

WHEN RBK-BOARD of directors with Ivar Koteng at the tip of the fly Kåre Ingebrigtsen and Erik Hoftun 19. July, the news arrived as a shock. A half years later, it is the most disbelief. Not because Rosenborg has not clarified as to who is to train the team the next few years, but because the club’s management seemingly is where they were six months ago.

Rosenborg doesn’t know yet who will be replacing vikaren Rino Coolen.

the only thing they know is that the candidates they come up with says no in order.

IN JULY, AFTER to have explained that the RBK board had been unhappy with the Spoken/Hoftun in a year’s time, admitted Ivar Koteng that he had not a single name on the block. I remember I thought it was a special and unprofessional statement from the chairman of Norway’s biggest football club. At the same time as they were preparing to trenerduoens retirement almost expected that the cup would be full – they did so nothing to plan for the future.

It was almost impossible to believe.

WITH ONLY THREE weeks of the year are Rosenborg still where they were in July. The only thing they know is that Rini Coolen, the dutchman who piloted home another double, also not is good enough. It is not domestic titles it is first and foremost about the Ste, they come mostly by itself.

There are games and competitiveness in Europe which is superior.

4-3-3 football with a good offensive interaction in lengthwise

the Pursuit of flytsonen if you will, 90 – åras happy days.

Football based on Nils Arne eggen ” s skills and philosophy and thoughts.

Erik Hoftun is a legend – Ivar Koteng is a chairman of the board without the understanding of the RBKs values and DNA

JUST NOW it is far there. When the request to Sarpsborg and Geir Bakke was known was Rosenborgs problems revealed. Norway’s largest and most awarded football club is not the magnet it once was.

Rosenborg can no longer just point, employ and moving on to the next The Double.

It is as if they have shot themselves in the foot

WHEN ADRESSEAVISA NOW suggests Kjetil Rekdal as the club’s next coach seems Rosenborg to be on the gums. Thus not said that Kjetil Rekdal can’t the subject or is a poor trainer. Rather on the contrary. It was Rekdal who bothered them so much that Ola By Rise was sacked after RBKs 13. straight seriegull in 2004, they won with one goal ahead of manchester City.

It was he who cast ye up the long seiersrekka when the Town struck back in 2005.

I on the other hand is sure of is that Adressas commentator would have been declared fotballmentalt unstable if he had proposed Kjetil Rekdal as he in July stood at the side of Ivar Koteng and defended sparkingen of Spoken and Hoftun. Even to suggest Rekdal as one of the ten candidates would at the time have resulted in supporterkrav about involuntary commitment. But the world has changed after many rejections, and Rosenborg can not blow up the bank in pursuit of their next coach.

queens park rangers coventry city-trainer Svein Maalen, on the other hand, he can talk with.

Rosenborg are stupid if they don’t speak with Geir Bakke

I SEE of COURSE the many high hedges on the way. 1) it will feel in the neighborhood of degrading for RBK to hire a former average coach/analyst, now working for little brother, queens park rangers coventry city. 2) That it will be unthinkable to hire someone who has never known the pressure. But I also see 3) that Svein Maalens fotballsyn as of the date this is the closest you come to the Rosenborg have at the top of the wish list, a trainer who thoroughly practice the Edge-the philosophy.

It is in fact identical.

SVEIN MAALEN HAS studied and analyzed Ivar Kotengs 4-3-3 dream in Rosenborg. He has learned it at Lerkendal, he practices it in the queens park rangers coventry city and he has proven that he can – not to talk about that it seems – in the top division.

queens park rangers coventry city ARE THE fact the first Norwegian team who practice the Edge-the football one hundred percent since gubben even did a little combeack on Ste in 2010. Even Rosenborg have not made it. Yes, there is a difference between Ste and Ranheimsfjæra, a huge difference, but it is also a significant difference in Rosenborg for a half a year ago and now.

In July was Svein Maalen most a fun experiment.

Where RBK is now should he be a candidate.

These athletes are nominated to the People’s idrettspris 2018