The use of Smartphones grows, according to a study in many countries, however, there are still differences – both between and within individual Nations. A study of the US Institute Pew Research Center, conducted last summer, more than 30,000 adults in 27 countries found.

At the top is South Korea, with a one-hundred percent utilization on mobile phones. So 95 percent of the respondents did not use in the Asian country, a Smartphone and 5 percent Internet-enabled mobile phone.


beyond that, back to Israel (88 percent have a Smartphone, 10 percent, mobile phone, and 2 percent is not a mobile phone) and the Netherlands (87/11/2). In Germany, the landed, the investigation on the eighth place, more than three-quarters of respondents (78 percent) own a Smartphone, 16 percent use a traditional cell phone and 6 percent not a mobile phone. Among the industrial Nations, Canada falls out of the range, where about 25 percent have no mobile phone.

In the case of the nine investigated Emerging and developing countries, South Africa (60/33/6) and Brazil front (60/23/17). Then comes the India. A quarter (24 percent) do not use just a Smartphone, 40 percent of Internet-enabled mobile phone and 35 percent have no mobile phone.

Younger are digital active

What may hardly a surprise – and also in this study came out: in General, especially younger and well-educated people are digitally active. In the case of the older respondents (over 50 years) may vary the terms, but also in the industrialized Nations: So 91 per cent of older South Koreans, but only a quarter of the older Russians own a Smartphone.

The investigation revealed that the Internet use is widespread in many industrialised countries for some years. In Germany, almost one in nine Respondents (87 percent) in the spring of 2018, to go online. A year ago, it was 85 percent.

In the Emerging and developing countries, the digitization is growing significantly. While five years ago, in Mexico, 45 percent and in the Philippines, 34 percent were at least sometimes online, there are now 73 and 66 percent. (chk/sda)

Created: 06.02.2019, 03:02 PM